Looks like so far they are available at TRU and limited Wal-mart stores. They are on Hannah's Christmas list. The two wal-marts near me are not on the limited store list lol.
Kate wants these too. they are not carried in our walmarts either, but i haven't checked tru yet. Have you looked at yours? I will look in mine this week...
Laura, I am almost 2 hours from a TRU. It's tragic really... LOL. I will likely have to take a trip soon here. If you happen to find some at your store will you text me? I looked around online and compared to the prices I saw online at TRU there are some kind of decent prices though I would rather not pay more then they are worth. I guess they are not available at TRU online, irritating! The extra shells seem to be pricey at least on ebay and such! I will gladly return the favor should I find any! I know Leah is looking around too :)
Don't have these in lux, but they do have this years LPS advent calendars- the box is pink and tree shaped- do you want me to put one in the mail to you, or has Hannah outgrown them?
You know Megan she has just started playing with them again! She went on LPS hiatus for quite awhile and with the new ones coming out they are on her Christmas list. I was surprised, but pleasantly for sure. We would love one :) I'm sure they won't be here again, maybe but I doubt it.
Amber, I can't believe your TRU is so far!!! I will check ours this week. I think there is another one 25 minutes away too, so I can always check there one day as well, though I am not sure I will get to both this week. Do you have any idea what you would want if they happen to have them? Message me your cell too, please, that way I can text you. I will let you know when I am headed to the store. Not sure yet what day I will end up being able to get down there, but if I don't make it before Thursday, I will definitely be able to go then.
Amber, I can't believe your TRU is so far!!! I will check ours this week. I think there is another one 25 minutes away too, so I can always check there one day as well, though I am not sure I will get to both this week. Do you have any idea what you would want if they happen to have them? Message me your cell too, please, that way I can text you. I will let you know when I am headed to the store. Not sure yet what day I will end up being able to get down there, but if I don't make it before Thursday, I will definitely be able to go then.
I know! It's dreadful. Thanks for checking. I will send you a pm :)
Amber, I just wanted to let you know that given that Megan is sick, I don't think I will make it to TRU until Thursday (I have an infusion that day, so Meg will be with my mom). I'll keep checking with them too, so hopefully at some point we will find some!!!
It's totally ok Laura. I'm so sorry your baby girl has been sick :( I found a small selection of shells today at one of my Wal-marts and tags for all the other products. They had no crabs or playsets but I didn't know if they had sold out or were getting ready to stock them? Hopefully this means they will be available at least a little ;)