I'm just not getting why everyone is so freaked. I've been reading around and all I can gather is that people who aren't your friends can see you on the scrolly bar. But then someone mentioned pictures not being private.
Just.don't.get it.
TIA. Days like these make me feel old. Definitely too old to start over with google.
I think (and I am not sure) that there is no new info on fb - you could have seen the same stuff before - but you woul have had to go to each persons profile to see what they have been commenting. The scrolly thing shows it all in real time and calls your attention to things you wouldn't have noticed before if you weren't looking for it.
I find it irritating that my every comment is posted in the scrolly thing. How am I supposed to look like I am working when coworkers can see that I'm posting comments during work, lol.
I was quickly getting over fb before this. I'm not sure I want to replace it with google plus and really, in a few months, we may be having the same comments about Google.
Well I don't think the features are the same because I have my features set that no one can see what I comment on on my page at all (meaning you can't click on my page and read all the things I commented on ) but you now can in real time on the scrolly thing. Irritates me. I have no desire to go to google + either. I can't juggle two of these sites.
I have always had my privacy setting set to friends only, but have always been able to see others posts. I am not too freaked over it. Honestly, even posting here your stuff is all out there for anyone to see. Crap, nothing is private on the internet. So, I think it is just a matter of what you are comfortable with.
I do not plan to switch to Google +. The same stuff will happen there to keep up with facebook and vice versa. Just like the last two changes facebook made, everyone was mad, then got over it. If everyone leaves like they did with Myspace, then I guess I will have to switch, but I cannot maintain two spots.
Ah ok. So people who are my friends who could go to my personal page and see all of my comments can now just see them in the scrolly bar. Not so bad. I thought my scrolly bar comments were there for my non friends to see. Which some of the time they are anyway since when I comment to a friend, all of their friends can see it. Sonya I get what you're saying. Too funny, that would piss me off too.
Ok just worried about the picture thing. Kelly posted something about deleting all kid pictures a couple of days ago so I was wondering what that was all about.
What I don't understand is why can I see on the "scrolly bar" comments that my friends are making to non-friends? I should have no business seeing that stuff. That is where the privacy is an issue for me. If I comment on my dads status you guys should not be seeing it. Also, I just posted a link to my page about more change coming in the next few weeks to FB. It details more potential privacy issues. For example if you watch a video online or play a game online it will automatically be put on the scrolly thing. Anything thing you do real time will be posted for your friends to see. Facebook has become a total stalker! Read the article. :sigh
What I don't understand is why can I see on the "scrolly bar" comments that my friends are making to non-friends? I should have no business seeing that stuff. That is where the privacy is an issue for me. If I comment on my dads status you guys should not be seeing it. Also, I just posted a link to my page about more change coming in the next few weeks to FB. It details more potential privacy issues. For example if you watch a video online or play a game online it will automatically be put on the scrolly thing. Anything thing you do real time will be posted for your friends to see. Facebook has become a total stalker! Read the article. :sigh
There is a new music streaming feature. It is annoying. I now know via the stalker bar every song my coworkers in each of their offices is streaming using it. Know what? No one wants to know that I listen to really bad music (or the same song one million times), so I won't use it. I don't need to know that Ashley just finished listening to Lady Gaga two minutes ago 6 buildings over, but I know now ;)
Michele. If I go onto your page though I could always see what you posted to your dad. Do you just not like that it's in your face in the scrolly bar? Or have you found a setting that deletes your comments from your page. I would like that. Or I would have liked that pre-scrolly bar.
Michele. If I go onto your page though I could always see what you posted to your dad. Do you just not like that it's in your face in the scrolly bar? Or have you found a setting that deletes your comments from your page. I would like that. Or I would have liked that pre-scrolly bar.
Also I think if he were to be set to friends only then maybe we couldn't see this??
I may experiment with the settings on Lucas' page to see what happens
What I don't understand is why can I see on the "scrolly bar" comments that my friends are making to non-friends? I should have no business seeing that stuff. That is where the privacy is an issue for me. If I comment on my dads status you guys should not be seeing it. Also, I just posted a link to my page about more change coming in the next few weeks to FB. It details more potential privacy issues. For example if you watch a video online or play a game online it will automatically be put on the scrolly thing. Anything thing you do real time will be posted for your friends to see. Facebook has become a total stalker! Read the article. :sigh
that's exactly what I don't like
Before, if I had gone to your page, I might could've seen that you posted to your dad, but it wasn't right there on the home page for everyone to see
I dont bitch or say negarive stuff on fb, so that does not bother me. Nor do i go on fb during my working hours, so i dont really gaf if people kniw when i am on.
But the photos thing really bothers me. I carefully set all my albums to friends only, and since i am not a gamer, all my friends are people i know and care about irl. People i am fine seeing my pics. But now, because of my sidebar thingie if someone comments on one if my pics, and now THIER friends can see my pics? Strangers i dont know? They why the fuck have a friends only option?
Thats why i am upset. Yeah i have colleagues and high school and childhood people i know- but the real reason i am there is to easily share pics and thoughts with close friends and family, and see theirs as well. I am so far away physically, this was a good option for me.
Will i keep fb? Sure. Will i stalk those on there? Why not. But my pics and little updates i will most probably use google+ now. My family and closest irl friends are already up.
I would love someone to prove me wrong and show me that my " friends only" photo settings on fb remain 100% private to friends only. Then i would not go through the hassle.
ok for some reason his facebook doesn't have the ticker?? I have the ticker but my newsfeed is different (it's still original his is different)
So because he has no ticker I went to my profile from his and he as your non friend can not see anything on my wall that says I commented on your picture so I am guessing it would not be in the ticker either. The stuff we are able to see has got to be people who are not set to friends only.
If someone really cares that I commented on Leah's status that I was going to shank someone for her then so be it LMAO
I'm on the fence about the privacy issues. It's stressing me out. However, I adopted Google+ because I've got some crazy stuff going on that I'd like to vent about that involves people on fb, so Google+ is now my "Seriously, I don't want anyone from school telling me I need to remove anything again." site.
Megan is that for sure? Have you tested it out? This is the only thing that would bother me.
just today, a picture came up in my news feed of a little girl all dressed up in pageant stuff
because my friend Carmon had posted a comment on this picture, it came up on my news feed
this was a friend of Carmon's, not a friend of mine, I don't know her from Adam..but it came up in my news feed
now sure, before I could've gone to carmon's profile page, seen that she posted on someone's pic and seen the picture, (if that person didn't have her pics set to friends only) but it didn't come up in MY FEED.
-- Edited by Juanita on Monday 26th of September 2011 05:00:06 PM