for anyone who's started 1st G already, how's the homework situation? i'm not sure what to expect. a little concerned, only because C doesnt make it easy for me to sit down with R and get this kind of stuff done. i was able to do her HW with her on weekends last year when DH was home - but if there are more nightly assignments this year (DH doesnt get home till after their bedtime), i'm screwed. so is it a nightly thing?
We haven't gotten any yet. I think it starts this week but I know it gets a bit more intense this year for us. Last year it was sent home on a Monday and due on Friday. I know this year she will have actual projects in addition to the HW. So, we shall see. I'm not too nervous about her not knowing how to do the work, but more nervous about us having the time to actually sit and do it.
Ours is nightly and honestly, we're struggling. Kate makes it very difficult for me to get any one on one time with Jake to do anything. And Jake's reluctance to focus and just get the HW done is also making it challenging.
He has reading Monday-Thursday nights. He has spelling words that he has to study every night. He has a practice test on Tuesday so I give him Friday night and Saturday off and we start studying the words on Sunday afternoon. The real test is on Thursday. So, we really have to study, write or spell them out loud every night.
On top of this I *really* want to read to both kids 15 minutes per night.
This might sound awful but if he would just focus and do it we're really talking 20 minutes worth of work here . . .
Marcos gets homeworks almost daily. And on friday he had a multiple choice test!!! Apparently it wasn't the best idea as the teacher told us it was a mess.
The good thing is that he likes to do the homework so i don't have to fight a lot.
I am anxious to find out how it is for us. Gavin starts on tuesday. I would prefer a packet that can be done throughout the week but if that were the case we'd probably just be rushing thursday night anyway. Ugh.
last year in K we had the packet come home friday and be due thursday. this year we had homework come home the first day and due the next. he gets one double sided work sheet about 3 nights/week, plus he has a reading log that he has to fill out when he reads to me for 15 minutes (he has to do 4-5 times/week) and a math homework log that has to get filled out 3-4 times/week. this is easy thought it can be anything math related, i usually get joe to help me cook by measuring. then he has a spelling test every thursday 10 new words a week (i send him to to practice those though) and then with the spelling words he has to write 5 sentences using any of the words (you would think i was torturing him through that). anyway homework doesnt go so bad here, like others B won't give me any alone time with joe so i just set her up with her own 'homework' next to us - i'm hoping it will make it easier when she has to do it too.
joe's class is a little different though than the other classes in the school and they try to encourage independence and students are held responsible for doing and returning homework on time, he would have to stay in at recess and do it if he doesn't take it in. a little reminder of it's now or recess and he does it pretty quick.
We haven't gotten any yet. I think it starts this week but I know it gets a bit more intense this year for us. Last year it was sent home on a Monday and due on Friday. I know this year she will have actual projects in addition to the HW. So, we shall see. I'm not too nervous about her not knowing how to do the work, but more nervous about us having the time to actually sit and do it.
yeah that's exactly it for me too - she's a smart cookie - but has a very distracting and demanding sister, and a mommy with no help :(
Ours is nightly and honestly, we're struggling. Kate makes it very difficult for me to get any one on one time with Jake to do anything. And Jake's reluctance to focus and just get the HW done is also making it challenging.
He has reading Monday-Thursday nights. He has spelling words that he has to study every night. He has a practice test on Tuesday so I give him Friday night and Saturday off and we start studying the words on Sunday afternoon. The real test is on Thursday. So, we really have to study, write or spell them out loud every night.
On top of this I *really* want to read to both kids 15 minutes per night.
This might sound awful but if he would just focus and do it we're really talking 20 minutes worth of work here . . .
this is exactly my fear - UG. it must be brutal! and yeah, same boat with kate/cara. as it is, if R wants to sit and read out loud, she has a fit. and i practice piano with R every night, and C climbs all over me, whines, etc. it's impossible. i dont want to just stick C in front of the tv....i try and set up an art projecct with her, but she gets so bored on her own, and then R gets jealous that SHE'S not doing the art project - it's a no-win.
sorry youre struggling - maybe there's a groove to be found eventually?????? uggg.
Marcos gets homeworks almost daily. And on friday he had a multiple choice test!!! Apparently it wasn't the best idea as the teacher told us it was a mess.
The good thing is that he likes to do the homework so i don't have to fight a lot.
last year in K we had the packet come home friday and be due thursday. this year we had homework come home the first day and due the next. he gets one double sided work sheet about 3 nights/week, plus he has a reading log that he has to fill out when he reads to me for 15 minutes (he has to do 4-5 times/week) and a math homework log that has to get filled out 3-4 times/week. this is easy thought it can be anything math related, i usually get joe to help me cook by measuring. then he has a spelling test every thursday 10 new words a week (i send him to to practice those though) and then with the spelling words he has to write 5 sentences using any of the words (you would think i was torturing him through that). anyway homework doesnt go so bad here, like others B won't give me any alone time with joe so i just set her up with her own 'homework' next to us - i'm hoping it will make it easier when she has to do it too.
joe's class is a little different though than the other classes in the school and they try to encourage independence and students are held responsible for doing and returning homework on time, he would have to stay in at recess and do it if he doesn't take it in. a little reminder of it's now or recess and he does it pretty quick.
whoa that's a lot. you're lucky B is pretty compliant. maybe i'll get C some "workbooks" to focus her during homework time. and a sedative. ;)
In Lux there is hardly any homework in first grade.
European primary education methods are quite different from the us. Clara has 2 years of montesouri style kindy, and they did not learn how to read. First grade it starts, slowly but very structured. For example, all writing is done in lined notebooks and they practice rows and rows of each letter to learn proper handwriting.
They don't think at this early age the child should be burdened with too much homework, they should be free to play and do activities in the late afternoon and evening.
Clara has learned a ton of stuff, but in an environment where they use all senses to learn. I was surprised last week in Greece, we were at the ruins in olympia, and she explained in great detail how archeologists excavate sites, preserve the artifacts and display them in museums. I never knew she studied that. ( tho they have been to tons of museums with her class)
In Lux there is hardly any homework in first grade.
European primary education methods are quite different from the us. Clara has 2 years of montesouri style kindy, and they did not learn how to read. First grade it starts, slowly but very structured. For example, all writing is done in lined notebooks and they practice rows and rows of each letter to learn proper handwriting.
They don't think at this early age the child should be burdened with too much homework, they should be free to play and do activities in the late afternoon and evening.
Clara has learned a ton of stuff, but in an environment where they use all senses to learn. I was surprised last week in Greece, we were at the ruins in olympia, and she explained in great detail how archeologists excavate sites, preserve the artifacts and display them in museums. I never knew she studied that. ( tho they have been to tons of museums with her class)
This is so much more in line with how I feel things should be as well. I think Gavin's school is more flexible in terms of this instead of just focusing on academics. Seemed like it was last year. We will see tomorrow!
Last year in Kinder Natalie had a packet that came home on Mondays and it had to be turned in on Thursdays. This was great because you could spread it around thru the week and if there was an evening that we knew we were going to be busy, we could easily just schedule homework around that. This year in 1st grade its daily homework. It hasn't been too overwhelming so far but maybe I don't think its too bad because David is a 3rd grader now and his homework is definitely a lot more. Elementary school is not what it used to be!!!
Alexandra ~ Mommy to David (7 years), Natalie (5 years) and Diego (3 years) ~
homework will be nightly but should only take about ten minutes each night.she also said if its a struggle or fight to let her know so she can make it pleasant for everyone. Yay!
Owen really doesn't get much (thus far) in just Kindergarten.
But I have no real advice on distributing the time. Bryce is in 3rd and the homework is getting harder and more time consuming. He has football 3 nights a week on top of school and then just wanting to play and the distractions of 3 little brothers make it a chore to get his work done at all!
Owen really doesn't get much (thus far) in just Kindergarten.
But I have no real advice on distributing the time. Bryce is in 3rd and the homework is getting harder and more time consuming. He has football 3 nights a week on top of school and then just wanting to play and the distractions of 3 little brothers make it a chore to get his work done at all!
Homework here just started this week. He gets a book two books to read every night and a list of spelling words to practice.
When he gets home, I give both kids a snack and a drink..Then I put on Arthur for Adelaide (she loves that show) so that I can have time to help with homework. If she isn't in the frame to watch it, I set her up at the table with "Addy work" so that she can feel like she is a part of it, too.. :)
I read to them at night anyway- they take turns picking the book. We do chapter books now, so I read a chapter a night--
Owen really doesn't get much (thus far) in just Kindergarten.
But I have no real advice on distributing the time. Bryce is in 3rd and the homework is getting harder and more time consuming. He has football 3 nights a week on top of school and then just wanting to play and the distractions of 3 little brothers make it a chore to get his work done at all!
We're obviosuly still K, but I was so relieved to hear the homework philosophy of the program. Each week they send home a homework bag with a dry erase page and a marker. They have to practice a certain letter each week.
The spelling list was 25 words. For the year! Spelling doesn't start until October. They progress at their own pace for spelling, if they finish early, they move to first grade words.
Other than that, and maybe an occasional easy reader, no homework.
Mason has homework every single night AND, if he doesn't do it he has to miss recess the next day. Sucks. I don't even have another child yet to distract me. I can't imagine how we would get it done because, unless I hover over him, he just stares at other things and can't focus. He hates doing it. He also has to write in his journal over the weekend and he has other extra stuff we have to work on, like memorizing some sight words and a project for the unit. Ugh!