Holy early returns for some of you!!!! I would be stressed to the max if we started back so early. As it stands now, i think it is too early. I wish it was still after Labor day like it was when I was a kid.
Anyway, Anna will be in 1st grade, and her first day back is 8/24. The rest of the county starts back on 8/23, but their school and a few others open a day late because of construction (her school was open space and this summer they were working on converting it into closed classrooms, which is great since the K wing was all closed and that is what she is used to-I do not like open space. It was a PITA to teach in as well!!).
She does get to go in and meet her teacher on 8/23 though.
Kate starts PreK on 9/7. She will be going 5 half days a week this year. It is more intensive than the other programs at the preschool-she even needs supplies!!! And the co-teacher apparently teaches them Spanish. She is nervous because she knows the PreKs read to the 2s kids later in the year and she doesn't know how to read, lol. Should be an interesting year!!
Laura, ours does probably seem super early but we finished may 23rd and 10 weeks of super hot, can't go outside except to swim, is driving my kids nutty. Plus I think the schools here tag and extra couple weeks onto the breaks in the cooler months.
My younger 3 go back in two weeks and my older 2 go back 3 days later. Brittany will be doing 1st and 2nd grade work, Brenna will be doing 4th grade work, Kyle will be doing 6th and 7th grade work (except reading and writing which he still needs TONS of help with, he's about 3rd grade level on that). Crystal will have 2 8th grade classes, a 9th grade class, and a 10th grade class. Rebecca will have mostly 11th grade classes, but she has 1 semester of 10th grade English to finish.
we also start early. we finished around may 20. Marcos will be on 1st grade and he will start next monday 8/8. Diego will go to 6th grade and Manuel will start 9th grade.
Hannah starts 2nd grade tomorrow :/ (I am having a terrible time with milestones this year) We got out around May 23rd I think? It's still pretty hot here too.
I think Gavin is tentatively scheduled to go back on August 22. I am guessing Owen goes back the end of August but we haven't received any letter from the preschool yet to confirm the actual date. Oh, Gavin will be in first grade. First year for him to go all day. I know he will do fine but I'm anxious to see how it all works out. :)