Hi girls, again no need to reply, just updating you with my weekly scan. There was a little beating heart this time! 132bpm. What a relief. So now I will go to weekly appointments. I also need to start looking for an OB since the specialist only keeps me for a few more weeks.
Here is the scan from today. It isn't as clear because she did it on my belly instead of internal this time.
sonya, i'm starting to feel crappy. i am super tired all the time and the nausea set in yesterday. i'm not throwing up, but i feel super sick if i don't eat every couple hours. the nurse said to try eating small meals more often and see if that will help. i think it will because the nausea only gets bad when i haven't eaten in a while.
Yipee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is awesome, Crystal!!!! And hooray for feeling crappy, lol!! I know it stinks, but it is reassuring.
I am THRILLED!!!!!!
i know, haha! i never felt crappy with mason, so this is a first. i felt a little crappy with my second mc, but that faded after about a week. i'm hoping the crappiness stays this time