My first digital camera, a Kodak Easyshare, broke when it got dropped. (Possibly by me, I can't remember anymore.) The little door to the battery and memory card dept. bent and wouldn't close anymore so I wrapped two hairbands around it to keep it closed. Also the (rechargeable) batteries started dying faster and faster. I bought new ones but I always thought my pictures turned out a little fuzzy.
My mom got Henry a Polaroid digital camera for Christmas a couple years ago. It stopped working about 2 months after he got it. It wouldn't turn off. We've changed the batteries a few times to see if it would come back to life. It won't.
My parents got me a Canon PowerShot camera this past Christmas, and now it's dead. Ugh. The lens cover started messing up a while back but Glen looked up the problem on the internet and fixed it. Then it started doing that again last week. A couple weeks ago, it fell off the top of a stroller at the zoo onto the concrete. That jacked up the display screen so I could only see half but the pictures were still fine, once I got them in the computer. Lasted about a week, and now the dang thing won't even turn on. I have put in 2 different sets of freshly-charged batteries.
so funny about the easy share...we dropped ours maybe a year after getting it in 2004 and have had to duct tape the battery shut ever since. it is definitely time for us to get a new camera!