I'm wondering if anybody knows if its safe to do a sugar detox and maybe all whites as in flour, sugar, etc... during breastfeeding?? I know the issue I have right now is SUGAR! I'm pigging out on it like its nothing and it's been stalling my weight, I lost alot after birth and then lost slowly and now its stalled for a while thanks to sugar..blah I thought I would give it a shot doing detox, I have never done it but I know from others that they have felt great afterwards so I was thinking of doing it. I need to do it so badly! I dont like dieting or anything but this sounds reasonable.
It is not safe to do a true detox, such as taking pills or herbs to try to remove toxins from your body. However, I don't think there would be any problem with cutting out sugar and white flour from your diet. Just make sure you are still getting carbs from other sources (wheat bread, fruits, ect).
Yeah, I was aware of the true detox not being safe during breastfeeding but wasn't sure on the no sugar, no flour. But I figured if I were ever allergic to it or something I would have not been able to eat it and it wouldnt affect the baby if you know what I mean. I did call and ask the pediatrician and she said it was totally safe to do that route (no sugar, no flour) James is on board with me, suprisingly so we both plan to start on Monday. Going to raid the pantry/fridge on sunday and take out all the "bad" things and give it to someone else and we'll start fresh. Fun times! LOL But I know the no sugar for a fact will help with the weight loss either way... I've cut back on sugar before and lost some right away but we want to cut it out as it's bad anyways. James did a test with his doctor once when he was a kid the doctor had him extend his arm out and go against her hand when she was pushing down and he needs to keep his arm in place... did great then the dr told him to take a spoon dipped in sugar and put on his tongue. sure enough he lost strength in the arm and couldnt keep it in place. Amazing how sugar makes you weaker in general but we dont really SEE how it affects us until you stop it alotgether.