i'm SO not crafty, but i'm trying to somewhat schedule our summer days so we don't end up sitting around watching tv.
i really want to do crafts a few days per week. does anyone have crafts to recommend or a site where you find them? i've been googling but havent' found much yet.
My kids love decorating t-shirts--either with tie-dye, fabric paint, or fabric markers. Or a mixture of those.
I've found that fabric spray paint is the easiest but if it is a windy day, you may get quite a bit of paint on you. When we did t-shirts with fabric spray paint, we used duct tape to make designs (star, cross, name, whatever), then sprayed. The first time we used just one color (red), and the next time we used blue and yellow. Also I just sort of loosely accordion-folded one of Henry's and sprayed it, and that made stripes. I also just let the kids spray wherever, and the shirts turned out pretty cool. You could also tie-dye other things--pillowcase, socks.
My kids really like fuse beads but Mark is just now getting coordinated and patient enough to do most of a fuse-bead project without asking me to finish it. I bought a roll of magnet-tape stuff so that we could make the finished projects into magnets.
There's always the old Play-doh standby, and the family fun site has some cute ideas for animals and things to make. My kids also like actual clay--the white kind that comes in a tub. The fun part about that is painting the projects after they dry.
I'll get my kids to make cards for shut-ins at some point. My church has a list of elderly members that are home-bound that we use but you could probably find a nursing home or something around where you live and either get a list or just make a bunch of cards and take them there.
Kimberly did this craft with her daughter, and they hung them in their kitchen windows. I haven't tried it yet so I don't know just how smelly it gets when the plastic is melting but they're very cute finished products.
We are also very into crafts, but sometimes ours are not all that well organized, lol.
We DO have a tie dye kit to try this summer, and some other planned things, and I agree about the Family Fun site.
But sometimes I just hit the dollar bins at Michaels. They have foam stuff that my kids will cut out, decorate, glue together, etc. It makes dumb stuff, but they have fun and it takes up time.
Also, they have wooden things-just small stuff-that the kids can color or paint. They love those things.
sometimes I will just staple together a bunch of construction paper (we have a TON) and they will write books. Kate always needs help though. But they like to take pics from magazines to illustrate and they make up stories to go along.
I have a whole bunch of things I stocked up on for the same reason, and I am still looking for more ideas. We need fun things to do that don't involve running around at the park or riding bikes because I just can't keep up with that stuff this summer. Swimming, sure, but the other things are going to be too tough for me to manage. And like you, I don't want us to sit around watching TV all day.
Worst case? I will be taking their butts to the farm and giving them to their grandfather for manual labor, lmao. Maybe if they pick the veggies, they will learn to like them!!!!
Making Crayons is always fun. You just peel the labels from old broken crayons and put them in cupcake tins (can't remember if you use wrappers or not) then you melt them in the oven and let cool.
Making Crayons is always fun. You just peel the labels from old broken crayons and put them in cupcake tins (can't remember if you use wrappers or not) then you melt them in the oven and let cool.
Making Crayons is always fun. You just peel the labels from old broken crayons and put them in cupcake tins (can't remember if you use wrappers or not) then you melt them in the oven and let cool.
I think we'll try this one.
Sounds fun.
we do this all the time. you use a silicone mini muffin pan or a silicone ice cube tray (think ikea). no wrappers, but baking spray is essential.
Wow, it's been a while since we did the crayons. I looked it up on my blog. We did use paper wrappers and they peeled right off. (I think the wax in the crayons helps with that)
Wow, it's been a while since we did the crayons. I looked it up on my blog. We did use paper wrappers and they peeled right off. (I think the wax in the crayons helps with that)