Oh no! OK, so we had decided that when we had sex we would use the pull out method until I had my first period. Well, on April 3rd, we had sex and he had an "accident" and didn't pull out in time. I've been waiting for my period, but I started to get suspicious and took a test. I am seeing the faintest possible line right now. I am not even 100% sure if I might be imagining it. I am freaking out. My doctor told me to wait and if I am pregnant, I don't know what to do. I can't handle another miscarriage. What if my uterus isn't ready? I was supposed to go see a fertility specialist next Wednesday to have tests run. OK, I'm going to have a panic attack now.
Freaking out is understandable, I'm sure there are a ton of emotions! Of course, I am no doc, but I have also heard there is no need to wait, and they mostly advise it for psychological reasons. I will be sending tons of positive thoughts and good wishes for you.
Crystal-I agree with April. Breathe deep. It is going to be ok. I have known personally of a number of women who have gotten pregnant without waiting after a miscarriage and gone on to have healthy pregnancies and babies.
If you are pregnant, give your progesterone levels the last time, will your OB put you on it? I would want that right away-it won't hurt anything for sure, and it might be all you need. IDK.
It will all work out for the best, Crystal. Try and relax as much as you can. (((((HUGS)))))
Thanks guys. I pretty much didn't like that OB and didn't plan to go back. I have an appointment with the specialist next Wednesday, and I'm wondering if she will even see me if I am already pregnant. I'm not sure how that works. Supa, I do still have pregesterone left over (and a couple refills), maybe I should start taking them. I hate to do that without talking to my doctor, but I hate him and I am tempted to just take them until I can see the specialist next week.
and i would start the progesterone, but given that you are seeing the specialist, I would take another test to confirm before starting. No sense in having hormones in your system before seeing the specialist if you are not pregnant, you know? But if you take another test and get a positive, then yes-I would start for sure!
Breath deep... Do you have a clinic or someone you can go to get some advice?
Sending many prayers...
i could call my old OB, but i really don't like him and he warned me to not get pregnant, so i feel like an idiot. i think i will wait until tomorrow and retest. and then, i have no idea, lmao.
Crystal, can you call the specialist and explain the situation? see what they recommend? Or find a new ob that you want to use and get in to see them?
I don't know enough about progesterone to say just go ahead and take it. I'll be thinking of you and wishing you positive pregnancy vibes.
That is a good idea. Thank you. I'm not sure why I didn't think of it, but I guess my panicing distracted me. I just called the specialist and left a message, so hopefully they will call me back today and hopefully they will give me advice even though I haven't actually been seen there yet.
how much are your pills? 200 mg? you can also insert them vaginally or take them orally.
i personally would be calling the specialist up or whatever doctor you plan on seeing asap as well.
Thanks, Sara. I have 100mg pills that are prescribed for twice per day. I did take one in my panic. Now, I called the specialist and I really hope they will call me back today. I'm having some spotting now, so I hope this doesn't turn out to be a chemical preg.