Juni- that is soo sweet of him. As a parent I totally get it and understand. I think he did the right thing though. You are more then respecting him by teaching him just that.
I hope he does not show up for ya, lol. Plus, knowing it is after school lets out it does make a difference. However, I feel this way it works out. Plus you avoid drama of parents talking if they knew you left one kid out.
Thanks! I appreciate your perspective on this and your input. :)
Thank you everyone for answered. Isn't being a parent so much fun? :)
Oh and also as an alternative you could also write out and put names on the invites and get Gavin to give them out in the playground before school starts. Joe got an invite from a boy he sits next to on the bus this way.
In my opinion this is awful to do. It is not allowed here at our school to even hand out invites.
This creates such hurt feelings. Kids start talking at school how they were invited to such and such party.
mason's school only allows you to hand out invites at school if every student in the class is invited. i think that makes sense so nobody has hurt feelings. i agree with what robin said, i think it is fine to have just a few friends, but i wouldn't invite everyone except for that one kid. and, like leah said, inviting him might actually help them to get along better, who knows?
Well, a little bit more info - the party would be the weekend after school gets out so they wouldn't be going back to school and talking about it.
ITU the perspective of not leaving one kid out and trying to be nice to everybody. On the flip side - I also want to respect my son and his feelings and can completely understand why he wouldn't want someone there who is constantly mean to him.
Ultimately, we talked about it and he decided to invite everyone and he said that even though the boy is mean to him he doesn't want to be a mean boy too and he will invite him to his party. Now I will just hope he doesn't show up. (No flames.)
I know at their young age it is very difficult to deal with these things. I guess I was having a hard time because I feel like Gavin's feelings are just as important as this other boys and I don't want to disrespect him by making him invite him. It worked out anyway so no big deal.
awe, how sweet of gavin that is very big of him to handle it that way at this age. i hope the boy doesn't show up, but if he does hopefully he will be nice.