we just got back from the shoe store a second ago. she's back to velcro. she had some handmedown sneakers with laces and is super annoyed with it - they keep coming untied and she cant figure out how to tie them. i told her i'd get her velcro, but we're still going to work on tying this weekend. i tried to teach her once and it went nowhere. :dunno
no he isn't but I haven't really worked on it yet despite my best intentions). It is at the bottom of every weeks homework he brings home from school too "tie shoe laces 10 times" - I guess the teachers are fed up of retying
Lauren can't either. It was one of the requirements at her school after the first 8 weeks. If the kids couldn't tie them the teacher refused and would let them stay untied all day dragging on the floor. :eyebrow I guess they were supposed to figure it out. I got so sick of washing the laces I bought some velcro ones. We will work on it this summer too I guess.
Lauren can't either. It was one of the requirements at her school after the first 8 weeks. If the kids couldn't tie them the teacher refused and would let them stay untied all day dragging on the floor. :eyebrow I guess they were supposed to figure it out. I got so sick of washing the laces I bought some velcro ones. We will work on it this summer too I guess.
i dont think R's teacher will tie either - we were never told as much, but she comes out of school with her laces untied everyday. she's only been wearing these shoes for this past week so it hasnt been a big issue. but yeah, i'm keeping her in velcro till she can do it herself, bc i dont want her falling.
Lauren can't either. It was one of the requirements at her school after the first 8 weeks. If the kids couldn't tie them the teacher refused and would let them stay untied all day dragging on the floor. :eyebrow I guess they were supposed to figure it out. I got so sick of washing the laces I bought some velcro ones. We will work on it this summer too I guess.
Are you serious? That seems a bit extreme. I work with a 2nd grader who doesn't know how to tie his shoes. (He says he did but forgot.) So, not knowing in Kindergarten doesn't seem all that weird.
Gavin doesn't know how to. They just got tie shoes for the first time in idk how long. I hate it because now they need help putting them on in the morning but they look so cute. (Converse)
I am going to work on it this summer with both boys but not tying their shoes. I'm going to get a tying board thing (well, just make one with laces and cardboard) and do it that way.
Owen started tieing a few weeks ago. It was only the second time he had been shown. With him not being in Kindergarten this year it has not been an issue also, that said he has some z-strap velcro shoes anyway.
Um, a lot of 1st and 2nd graders still do not tie or do it well. I think not helping a 5 year old tie is mean. Allie's teacher asked to buy shoes with laces for her gym shoes. She wants them to try, but they do help them still.
Allie understands how it works, but cannot get her hands to make it go through the loop
are those trying doing bunny ears or swoop and loop?
I can't remember the last time Ethan had shoes with laces. He always picks ones with Velcro. I'm guessing he'll be in 5th grade and still have no clue.
We always buy velcro. I was a PS teacher and I hated having 3-4 yr olds in laces! LOL But now, Andrew always picks velcro because he likes the shoes that happen to be velcro. Tieing was supposed to be part of his homework at the begining of the year. We just didn't do it. I think 5 is on the young side to start tieing and since he has no tie shoes, I figure we'll work on it next year.
I also agree about it being mean for the teacher not tieing shoes. It's a saftey hazard. She should watch out for the kids in her class. They could trip and fall and get hurt.
I can't remember the last time Ethan had shoes with laces. He always picks ones with Velcro. I'm guessing he'll be in 5th grade and still have no clue.
If the child can't tie their shoes they should go to school in velcro or slip-ons. That or make sure they have a double/triple knot in them. With all the untied shoes I see at school I would guess 80% don't know how to tie.
Let me expand. They do not require all their shoes be laces. Also, Allie wears a uniform and they do not wear tennis shoes daily. They want the kids to try and tie their laces and they feel wearing Velcro does not expose them to that. That being said, they do not ban Velcro either. You see a bit of everything. Allie's every day school shoes are Mary janes with buckle.
It is actually no point me me saying they request tie shoes. Just that I do not feel kids who do not tie should only wear slip on or Velcro. The teAchers know that with the age they are teaching that tying shoes is part of the gig.