I am new to Momsquawk and have read so much about the amazing bonds and attachments that have occured here. I thought this would be an amazing place to share our journies as a family with a new community of "friends," so I hope you all don't mind me joining in!
In any event, our third unborn son was diagnosed with a rare, complex congenital heart defect called truncus arteriosus. We have learned over the past couple of months since his initial diagnosis in late January about what this CHD means. Lukas will require open heart surgery within his first month of life, where he will have to be placed on a heart/lung bypass machine. We also learned he will require 2-3 additional surgeries at a minimum during his lifetime, with the possibility of more. We were of course devastated to hear this, as no mother wants their child to face such hardships.
As the days of my pregnancy come to a close (8 weeks at the most) I do grow more fearful. Please pray for our family and for me to find the strength to hand my son over to these amazing surgeons who will fix his beautiful little heart. Most of all, please pray that little Lukas will arrive into our world safely and that everything will be okay! Thanks mamas!
It's Megan from fb. So glad you decided to post here!
I already started praying for you guys. I know there are amazing advances in in utero diagnosis and infant surgery- I hope all goes well.
Are they recommending a csection because of this?
Please know we are praying for you and thinking of you. This is a great place to vent feelings, so if you want to post please do!
Thank you all so much! I feel like I have been doing okay with things, but definitely had a big slip last week. Sometimes it just comes in waves, but last week was exceptionally hard. I am so glad I came to post here as well! What an awesome group of gals! I will be having a c-section with Lukas, as they are not entirely certain how he would hold up during the vigors of labor. Hopefully we will have an exact pinned down sometime here in the next week or two!
In any event, thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers! They mean so, so much to me!