So, a little more than a week ago I had blood drawn. I got the results back (took forever!) and the doctor said my HCG is low. It was 235 at 4w6d. He drew my blood again this past Friday, which would be exactly one week later, but I won't get the results back until probably Tuesday So, now I have to sit around stressing until then.
You need to see the delta between 2 tests- early in pregnancy it should double approx. every 2 days.
Also, unless you had a medicated cycle where they trigger ovulation and you know the exact date of O, your ovulation date is an approximate guess, so, say for example, you ovulated 2 days later in your cycle than the average day 14, that puts you technically at 4w4d pregnant, and your beta result would be perfectly average.
Also, you need to know that the hcg that is being measured only is produced after implantation, so if you have a late implanter that is another reason why a first beta can be lower. You really can't tell anything till you get the second result.
I guess they did the beta because if your previous m/c. Beta results are available a few hours after blood is drawn, so if you are worried, call Monday morning and insist on hearing the results. I am surprised they made you wait the weekend even.
Here is a link to a site with beta info, used primarily for ivf gals. If you have any questions, key me know. I had tons if evoerience while doing ivf with cate.
Thanks for the help, Megan. I will try calling them in th morning and see if they have my results yet.
Well, I think I know all my dates.
Last period: 1/22 Positive opk: 2/6 Suspected ovulation (was cramping): 2/7 I think I implanted on 2/14 because I had some very intense cramping that day.
They drew my blood on 2/25 and said I was 4w6d.
-- Edited by crystal on Sunday 6th of March 2011 06:43:22 PM
If they want it to really matter they need to draw your blood monday and again on wednesday preferably within the same time frame on each of those days.
If they want it to really matter they need to draw your blood monday and again on wednesday preferably within the same time frame on each of those days.
I know, it is annoying that they took my second draw a week later! WTF.
I'm going tp try not to worry and wait to see what happens. I feel better after looking at Muffy's link because, if my calculations are correct, I was only 18dpo when they took my blood. So, my numbers don't look so bad if that is the case.
Also, my boobs have been sore the whole time, but two days ago they ballooned to this giant size and are KILLING me now, so I am pretty sure things are still progressing.
So, a little more than a week ago I had blood drawn. I got the results back (took forever!) and the doctor said my HCG is low. It was 235 at 4w6d. He drew my blood again this past Friday, which would be exactly one week later, but I won't get the results back until probably Tuesday So, now I have to sit around stressing until then.
I don't have any advice....just wanted to give you a reassuring (hug)
I don't really have anything to add to what's already been said except that if you did ovulate on 2/7, then 2/25 would make you 4w4d. Their 4w6d is based on your lmp, not on ovulation which, admitedly, is a lot harder to pinpoint. But most women do not have exactly 28 day cycles, which is what they base due dates on.
Crystal-you have already gotten some excellent input here. I don't have anything further to add, but I did want you to know that I am praying for you, and I have faith this little one is going to stick around.
Thanks, guys! I talked to the nurse today but they didn't have my tests back yet, so hopefully tomorrow I will get some news. I'm just trying not to think about it until then.
first they should be ordering tests 48 hours apart and they should be able to get results same day or early next day.
my numbers with Lucas were on the low side but multiplied correctly each time (they did two sets). I didn't get blood work with Julia because my last pregnancy resulted in a baby (lucas lol)
Crystal, have you updated yet? I haven't been on the boards in a few days and just saw this. Congrats on being pregnant. I'll keeping my fingers crossed for you.