since we have a swimming meet this weekend we figure out it was best to separate some time for us last week. we don't actually exchange gifts during valentine's day...
we left the kids at my mom's last weekend and spend it together alone... we had dinner, talk, drank some wine... it was a great weekend.
so this week we'll probably go out on saturday with the boys to celebrate with them.
Is it weird that I don't even want to celebrate it? Other than the kiddos and their cards for school, it is just another day for us :) I think Travis is going to get a picture reframed that broke recently, but Valentines is more a deadline he set for himself than a romantic gesture.
nothing major here. we are headed to chicago next week, so we will just put our money there. I mean we do something tiny for each other, but nothing on a grand scale. the girls will get their daddy something little and we get them something little.
We are another boring couple. We make it a point not to go out on Vday because it is too crowded. And with my being pregnant, it just isn't as festive, lol.
I would like some chocolates this year, lmao.
I doubt we will do anything for each other. But I think we will tell the girls about their gift, which is going to see Disney on Ice. But then telling them on Monday for a Saturday show might kill me for the rest of the week, so maybe we should hold off on that.
Kate wants us to cook a Vday dinner and invite people over, like all of her grandparents. Cute idea, but I am not sure I am interested. We'll see.
We went out on our first date Feb 13th so we usually "celebrate" that day instead of the 14th but I think DH's grandparents are coming over Sunday (his Grandpa just had hip surgery and is going stir crazy so they invited themselves... which is fine with me, I like them) so I'm not sure if we will do anything with just the two of us or not.
Probably a whole lot of nothing. I like Valentine's Day, but Mark thinks it's dumb. He always tends to buy me overly expensive flowers, but I told him I feel guilty when something so expensive wilts and dies. I'd rather get a card, but since I didn't get one for our 10th this year, I'm not holding my breath.
DH has to work Monday night. :( And I'm in school until 2:50 so by the time I get home, he's running out the door. :( But we're celebrating Sunday night. We're putting the kids down early, we've got monster huge steaks. And we're exchanging gifts. We do Valentine's just for us since we're the lovers. We're selfish folk. LOL :D Monday night will be me and my laptop and a bunch of writing assignments to complete. Yay for a working night!
Oh yes, big plans. I will be working from 8 in the morning until 8:30 at night. Woo-hoo! It's better than being home and upset that we aren't doing anything for Valentine's Day. We don't usually do much of anything and I just need to get over it.