Personally I am shocked she's even got parents to volunteer to drive other students. There is no way in heck I would want to be liable for a strangers child like that. This is insane.
Personally I am shocked she's even got parents to volunteer to drive other students. There is no way in heck I would want to be liable for a strangers child like that. This is insane.
Me neither. But I don't know that she does - maybe they feel the same way I do or maybe they can all make it and drive their own kids and I can't. (Or maybe they know each other.) idk.
It really is so silly. Even if I was able to go, I would *never* volunteer to drive somebody else's kid. Never. Not unless I knew the mom and the child and we worked it out on our own.
I would not be ok with this! Madi went on either walking trips or bus trips last year. They weren't even allowed to do the bus trips until everyone in the class was 4.
I've never been in that position but way before I had kids and I was in college I had a professor who canceled our class because his young child had a field trip because of this same issue. He told us, "sorry no class tomorrow, I don't trust some stranger to put my kids carseat in their car." So you are not alone for sure. I wouldn't want some random person I don't know buckling my kids in and driving them...
I still cannot a school can legally have parents drive other kids without waivers signed. It is illegal in Michigan. I guess I am shocked other states allow it.
Parents at our school have to sign a huge waiver if a teacher or parent transport a student.
If i was in your shoes, I would tell the teacher i was declining permission for my child to attend that activity, and make her provide other safe place at the school where my child could stay (its common here to go to another class during the activity time)
This is illegal in Luxembourg, waivers or not.
Over here, any transportation of children to and from a school activity must be done with an official bus/driver (they go through extensive training and periodic checks here - it is HARD to be a bus driver in Lux, job is in high demand, you are a civil servant and you actially get paid well)
Funny thing is, parents cant opt out of that and drive the kid themselves. All kids HAVE to ride the bus. And teacher must have specific ratios of adults/kid depending on the excursion.
Example, a few months ago i took Clara to school, it was swimming morning and i forgot her bag. I wanted to take her back home., get her changed, and meet them at the pool; but Clara could not ride with me. so, she rode the bus with the kids, i went home got the bag and helped change her at the pool.
So, I think the plan will be to keep him home the day they go to the post office. No big deal. Then Doug will go with him to the grocer store one - that one is super fun. My parents will (most likely) go with him to the fire station. I think they are just going to meet the class there, do the field trip and go home. Doug will take him back to school after the one they do because they are doing a lemonade stand with the lemonade they buy from the store.