I haven't been around much, but need to share with someone...I don't feel like I have much of a support system here...three weeks ago this sunday. I started my period. It was more uncomfortable than usual...pain both sides, down my legs as well...difference is the pain really never went away. Pressure increased, back pain continued.. felt very much like PMS. Monday (2 weeks) I called my primary because I was starting to feel like I had a bladdef inf...pressure, back pain. Sure enough, urine came back white blood cells and blood in the urine. He put me on Cypro. Something got better, but not completely. Still feeling pressure, back pain gone, still getting occasional pain down the legs, accross the abdomen (low), pain in/near the cervix?? (feels like it did when I was pregnant and baby was low low)....pain in/around the sides (area I get mid cycle pain)...it's really freaking me out and scaring me. I called him back thursday, and he told me to call my gyno...I have an appt tuesday. Ibuprofin does make the "fullness" and "pressure" go away...I am scared...and I can only wait until tuesday, and then I will probably have to wait more...
My gp did an internal and pap last year, but I have been so bad about seeing a gyno because since I had christopher, mine left... Thanks for listening...
I'm so sorry to hear that you're having these issues! I would be scared, too!
For what it's worth, given the way the pain is radiating, I wonder if it's probably something musculoskeletal as opposed to a Very.Bad.Thing, KWIM? I'm also encouraged by the ibuprofen helping. To me, that would hint at something muscular as well.
Not that I have ANY actual medical knowledge, LOL. Keep us posted... I'll be thinking of you!
maybe you could still have the uti? i hope that is all it is. i have been fighting a recurrent uti and have an appt with a urologist tuesday. i have been having all the same symptoms as you, except for the legs.
although ERs are not set up in sucha way that they can diagnose and solve everything, they are designed to insure that whatever is bothering you isn't life threatening. which might help you to feel better.