I'm having a hard recovery after having Alexandra. I have bleeding that won't stop and it's been almost 2 months. She was born Aug 2. The Dr thinks that I need a D&C. IDK about doing that. He gave me Methergine, but that had such bad side effects for the baby, I'm still trying to nurse, that I didn't want to take it. He thought I may have an infection in my uterus, so I was on Augmenton for that. I'll pass a clot, bleed, then it'll stop for a few days, then do it again. I woke up in a puddle of blood at 4 am today, so am waiting until the Dr opens at 9 to call him.
My C/S incision opened and got infected really bad. I still have a spot that just won't heal. It was so gross. It smelled like a dead animal. It looks horrible. IDK why this one spot won't heal.
Been sick a few times, sinus infection, strep, cold. Got BV from all the antibiotics I've been on, and have angry crotch going on...Not fun. Now my ears and throat hurt, again.
I'm not making enough milk, so have to formula feed, just like I did with Andrew. I tried to be prepared for that, but it still really sucks. I have decided not to go the crazy OCD route like I did with Andrew, but without the Domperidone, I'm not going to last much longer BF, and have a ton of guilt for not being able to feed Alexandra what everyone says is best for her.
I have PPD pretty bad. On Zoloft for that, but that takes time to kick in...
Decided that I want to leave Steve. Him forcing Andrew in Kinder was the straw that broke the camels back. House is a war zone when he's home and I don't want to do that in front of the kids. Can't go anywhere 'cause we're too broke to split up, so don't know what to do...
I'm tired, but can't sleep. Prolly crazy from not sleeping. IDK where I'm going with this... Started this to find out if anyone else has had long bleeding after having a baby. I've gotta go nurse and bottle the baby, get Andrew to school and see if I can get in to the Dr, but who know's if he's even in this week. He's gone so much.
Sending tons of hugs. Those first few months after a baby is born are so very very hard. Please try to remember that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it's coming very soon!!
I agree with Tracy... please do not make any big decisions right now. I have battled depression for my entire life and have always been told the one golden rule is not to make any major decisions/changes during these episodes. There are so many extraneous emotions floating around after giving birth and your fuse is probably not existent at this point. Wait until the storm passes and then take a fresh look at your marriage.
I hope the bleeding ends soon and without any further intervention!
And I applaud you for your attitute about breastfeeding. All we can do is try our best. When that does not work, you do what is best for you baby AND for you! I'm so glad you are not going the OCD route about it this time. I did the same thing(went nuts trying with Meghan, missed out on important bonding time, killed my self esteem, etc.) and did the same as you with Abby. Tried my best but it didn't work so I went as long as I could. I can not tell you how much it helped not having that extra stress (and by that I mean the pressure I was putting on myself to succeed) added into the mix.
I hope the meds help and you can find your away to healthy again.
Don't worry about the breastfeeding. The best thing for her is a healthy and happy mom. The rest is details.
We are here for you. Any time.
Please come back and vent often.
I hope your doctor is available today.
I had bleeding for a long time (6 weeks- 8 weeks for both) but it doesn't sound like it was anywhere near what you are having. I had a section too. I had to wear a pad constantly but no major gushings.
I am sorry things are rough right now. It sounds like you are taking a wise approach to breast feeding. I hope meds kick in soon and you begin to feel better. Those first few months can be so tough. I really don't know about the prolonged bleeding, but I have had a d&c. It wasn't fun, but honestly it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and the recovery was not too long. I thought that might be useful to know in case you go that route. Sending up prayers too.
I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. I agree with the suggestions not to make any big decisions just yet. Hormones blow everything out of proportion. It's best to wait until the hormonal roller coaster has settled down.
As for the bleeding, either shepherd's purse or angelica (tincture form will be easiest) will work if it's retained bits causing the bleeding and a whole lot cheaper and less difficult than a d&c. They're completely safe for breastfeeding. For the other things, taking a lot of vitamin C and garlic will make a big difference. Like 5000mg of vitamin C and about 8 capsules of garlic a day. They may not take care of all the sickness, but they'll help a lot.
The Dr says he wants to do a D&C. That it's been going on long enough and the u/s did show some stuff and that we should just do it. They've schedualed it for Friday morning. I'm going to go see my primary care doctor tomorrow and see what he thinks.
I've had more than a dozen surgeries. I am really, really not pumped up to do this. I still have a tear in my shoulder that needs to be fixed, a knee that may need to just be replaced. I don't want another surgery. The last 3 have sucked. I'm just tired. I don't want to do this. I don't want to do anything. I would like to actually be healthy. If something can go wrong, it will.