some of you saw on facebook that i bought jake a loft bed yesterday.
now i'm trying to figure out what to do about a bedspread/comforter.
what have you guys done about putting a comforter on there since there isn't a lot of room for overhang?
i bought a quilt at target, but now i'm thinking it might be too big for the bed (i bought the quilt planning on buying a traditional twin bed but we didn't end up with that).
We actually use a single bed duvet on Josie's bed (it can hang down except for the ladder.
On Charlie's bed, I actually have a queen size duvet. He was driving me whacko with his request to be tucked in (impossible to reach that far side) so we went with our extra one. That's worked out really well for us.
It never looks perfectly made (not a big deal for me but probably a bigger deal for you ;) ) but it keeps him warm and I don't have to tuck it.
(we don't use top sheets, we just wash the duvet cover with the rest of the sheets.)
I don't know if you already bought a mattress but one of the smartest thing we accidently did was to buy foam mattresses. When I have to make up the beds, I can pull the very light mattresses off the beds, put on the fitted sheet and put it back up or in.
not much help... we use duvets. they hang over the sides by about 5-6 inches. when i want to make the bed nicely, i fold the extra under smoothly and tuck. in a rush i just shove all around the edges.
Well, in the winter it will be different but all summer they've just laid on top of the (made) bed with their blankets. So they wake up, the blanket gets folded and put on the foot of the bed and their beds are still all made.
They just started going under the quilts because it is getting a little bit colder at night and I just untuck the outside side. I use twin quilts and just tuck it under the mattress nice and tight so there is no overhang.