I had to vote other. She does call me mommy and mama and on rare occasions she calls me mom. She does however, call me momstall or mister momstall fairly frequently. I have no idea why.
Mommy or Mom (I hate "Mom" right now -- it makes me feel old/like she's too old, lol! ugh) and every now and then when she's exasperated, "Mel" as in "Meee--eeellllllll!" which is SO not allowed and she knows it, but it cracks me up about half the time.
Forgot to say, sometimes Owen calls me Mommy Jennifer. It's pretty cute. Most of the time though, it's Mommy. They have yet to call me Mom yet and I will be sure to correct them for as long as I can. ;)
Mommy around here! Once in a while, I will get a mom, but that isn't too often.
FTR, Bill's one set of cousins (4 girls-and i think they are all older than he is) all call their parents mommy and daddy still, so you never know, lol!!!