We are on our 4th (and final) day of grey skies and fall temps. I could really use some sunshine. The next few days (and the weekend) are supposed to be GORGEOUS. YAY!!!!
I am the historian for the PTA (which is dumb because all of my cameras are broken which means NO pictures).
But that means I'm on the PTA Board, and we have been asked to provide doorprizes for the back-to-school bbq dinner next week. @$10 value.
They suggested giftcards or a small themed basket.
I got a small-ish woven basket from the dollar store and put writing pens, an address book, two packs of notecards and envelopes, and postage stamps in it.
I have tons to do today. School with kids and dry apples this afternoon. Plus activity for Rebecca tonight. I can't wait to be done with these apples. It takes up several hours of my day any day I can fit it in. I suppose I also need to grade papers so I don't get too far behind. Sigh.
What's good about today, I will be loading up things to take to my mom's house to live. That means less clutter here. I am also happy that the main area of my house is not a disaster zone and I have been able to keep it fairly under control.
I do think I will go post another tini challenge today, though. I have lots to do too.
Alison just know that I for one am jealous of your fall weather. We haven't been under 100 degrees for about 4 months now, my kids are driving me nuts cause I can't just send them outside to play.
A good thing about today is that I'm loving the new school schedule. I thrive off schedules but am not good at imposing them on myself, I love getting an early start on the day.
Alaina, my hat is off to you for homeschooling. I love my kids and love the idea of teaching them and giving them the 1 on 1 that they deserve but my goodness I wouldn't have the patience. Joe and I would push each others buttons all day long.
So part of the 5 drama that I briefly mentioned earlier in the week is that he forbid Travis to watch Lucas or my niece anymore. For no reason just to make life hell for everyone.
Consequently my hours are all messed up. My ex-SIL is watched Lucas Monday and Today and then I watch my niece when I get home. My dad had him yesterday and will have him Thursday and Friday but that means I get to work late and Friday we have Kindergarten Orientation so I have to leave early.
I don't know what's going on next week for Monday and Tuesday yet and now I have an issue on the 2nd day of school because I don't think I will be home from my u/s in time for Lucas but Trav isn't allowed to help me.
Can someone please just put me out of my misery *sigh*
So part of the 5 drama that I briefly mentioned earlier in the week is that he forbid Travis to watch Lucas or my niece anymore. For no reason just to make life hell for everyone.
Consequently my hours are all messed up. My ex-SIL is watched Lucas Monday and Today and then I watch my niece when I get home. My dad had him yesterday and will have him Thursday and Friday but that means I get to work late and Friday we have Kindergarten Orientation so I have to leave early.
I don't know what's going on next week for Monday and Tuesday yet and now I have an issue on the 2nd day of school because I don't think I will be home from my u/s in time for Lucas but Trav isn't allowed to help me.
Can someone please just put me out of my misery *sigh*
I forgot to add that I still have my niece Thursday and Friday even though my ex-sil can't watch Lucas.
And that 5 said he is going to take me to court to get custody of Lucas