I haven't gotten my test results yet. It was suppossed to be 2 weeks at the most(my sister got hers in one week.) It's been 2 and a half weeks. I talked to the doc last wednesday and she said that it had gotten held up because of insurance preautorization. I guess the insurance company wanted more paperwork before they would cover it. She said it would likely be another week. So that would be today. I plan to call if I don't hear from her. Waiting sucks!!!!!
As far as my sister, she's holding up pretty good. She is scheduled for a double masectomy on September 3rd. With having this gene, the chances of the cancer coming back are pretty high, so she opted for this instead of a lumpectomy. Having the masectomy reduces the chances of it coming back by 90%.
The good news is that as of now she will not need any chemo or radation. Of course they won't know 100% until after the surgery, when they will have to do more testing. I know she is scared, but she seems to be at peace with her decision. She is hiring a photographer to take pictures so she can remember them! :)
Sounds like your sister has a great attitude!! And please update us when you have the results on your test. It really sucks that they have been making you wait so long. The stress of that must be tough. I don't know if I could handle it.
In an ironic twist, my sister called me this morning and told me she found a lump in her breast. She is going to the dr. tonight. I am scared for her, but hoping it is nothing. My mom has know so many women who have been diagonosed with breast cancer and most have been treated and are fine. It is amazing how far the treatments have come!
Alicia, I'm so sorry to hear about your sister finding a lump. I will keep her in my thoughts!! Let's hope it's just a cyst!! Keep us updated as to what they say!
As for me, I FINALLY got the results yesterday, and it was positive. So, I do have the gene mutation. I will meet with the genetic counselor next week, then I will need to go to a high risk specialist. Most likely I will have a comibination of mamogram/ultrasounds/and MRI. I will also have to be monitored for Ovarian cancer since this gene also increases that risk.
It's not the news I was hoping for, but am glad to have an answer. I can be monitored and if I do end up getting it, the doctors can catch it early. It is amazing how far the treatments have come!
i am really proud of you for being proactive and taking care of yourself and your body even though it's scary.
much love
Totally agree with Sara. Even though the news is not what you were hoping for, good for you for staying on top of the situation and monitoring your health. Find a good dr!
My sister met with her gyno last night - they are sending her for a breast sono. Until then, we won't know much.
Chrissie, I'm sorry about your test results, but like you said at least you know and can stay on top of everything! I pray you never get it. I'm also praying for your sister, I hope her surgery goes well and that she doesn't have to do any further treatment!