Mark was watching me try on some new lipstick in my bathroom earlier today and asked if he could try it on also. Of course I let him, and I realized how much I'm going to miss him once Kindergarten starts. I told him I was going to miss him, and I was sad that I wouldn't have my big helper around any more. He said, "No, you're not. You always say 'YAY!!' when we talk about school starting." Awww.
Of course I am excited about not listening to him whine at the store and being able to take as long as I want going through my coupons and looking for deals, but I'll still miss that crazy little fellow.
Registration is tomorrow. School starts next Monday but Kindergarteners only go one day the first week, then they start full-time the next Monday.
He told me that his stomach hurt a little because he was nervous about school.
Who's going to spray and wipe my kitchen table and counters when I clean the kitchen? Who's going to help me sort laundry? Who's going to put on all my makeup when I'm not looking? Who's going to suggest that we soak our feet in the tub and then rub lotion on them? Who's going to ask me to play with him in his room every single morning?
I let Lucas sleep with me last night because I still missed him from being gone all weekend. I am used to him being in school all day but to be going to the big school already is just killing me. And he is so used to school that I don't think it will phase him at all. Meanwhile I'm gonna ball my eyes out when he gets on that bus.