was diagnosed with Breast Cancer about 3 weeks ago(She is 34)
I just got back from going to the genetic counselor with her. She tested positive to BRCA 1 gene mutation which is heriditary. I got tested while there and will know within 2 week if I have the same gene mutation. I have a 50% chance of having it. Let's hope I inherited my dad's gene(my mom also had breast cancer, and would have the same gene mutation as my sister.)
Let's hope my results are NEGATIVE!!!
Please keep my sister in your thoughts!! She is going to have some rough times ahead of her.
-- Edited by Chrissie on Friday 30th of July 2010 11:57:51 AM
Let's see, she got an IUD last summer. I was thinking about mine a couple of months later(I got it in November) so I was asking her about side effects. She said that she was having this pain in her boob and there was a hard spot there, but she said that she had read it was a side effect of the IUD. I never read that, but didn't give it a second thought. She decided to have the IUD removed a couple of months ago. I think it was time for her yearly visit as well, so when she went of course the doctor felt the lump and sent her for further testing.
She had the biopsy and found out it is cancer. After that, she had more tests(MRI, ultrasound...) They found 4 more spots that are, as they put it, "suspect to addional disease" She will be having a biopsy on those next tuesday.
In the meantime she went genetic counseling to see if it was heriditary, so she could see what her chances of it coming back are. That way she can make a decision to her treatment.
I don't know what she will decide, however if the other spots are cancerous, most likely she will be getting a double masectomy.
She will have to also be screened for ovarian cancer, since the same gene mutation increases the risk for that.
She is pretty scared, and has a rough road, but she will be fine!!
Chrissie I am so sorry to hear about your sister. What a difficult road to go down and at such a young age. I will certainly be keeping her in my prayers. I am so glad you went ahead with the genetic testing. I am praying that your results come back negative too. What a stressful time for your family. Keep us posted. Sending lots and lots of positive healthy thoughts your way.