1. Go through my clothes - get rid of extras and fold 2. Tidy kids room - go through extra books and put away 3. clean dining room 4. clean toys in living room 5. office/kids clothes room - throw in ball of flaming paper and hope that it burns the whole mess.
Clean and I mean clean the family room. That is Friday 5 and then some but at any moment now I know my ds will be moving back in and that is right next to his room. If it's not spotless he will just dump his crap all over. Sonya, I think I might have to do your suggested method of throwing in a ball of flaming paper. :sonya:
1. Go through my clothes - get rid of extras and fold 2. Tidy kids room - go through extra books and put away 3. clean dining room 4. clean toys in living room 5. office/kids clothes room - throw in ball of flaming paper and hope that it burns the whole mess.
Friday 5 (this all has to happen from when I get out of work at 3 until I leave for MA)
~pick up rental car ~wash/dry/fold/put away 1 load of laundry ~load/run/empty dishwasher ~shower and straighten hair ~pack myself and Lucas
I also need to nap and pick up whatever mess is in my living room. I have no idea what time quint is taking Lucas and I will have my niece right up until I leave. UGH!
1. Go through my clothes - get rid of extras and fold 2. Tidy kids room - go through extra books and put away 3. clean dining room 4. clean toys in living room 5. office/kids clothes room - throw in ball of flaming paper and hope that it burns the whole mess.
I'm on a roll
i've been meaning to do this exact list since March 1.
how horribly embarassing!
Traveling for work and a summer house have there distinct disadvantages.
1. Go through my clothes - get rid of extras and fold 2. Tidy kids room - go through extra books and put away 3. clean dining room 4. clean toys in living room 5. office/kids clothes room - throw in ball of flaming paper and hope that it burns the whole mess
Friday 5 (this all has to happen from when I get out of work at 3 until I leave for MA)
~pick up rental car ~wash/dry/fold/put away 1 load of laundry ~load/run/empty dishwasher ~shower and straighten hair ~pack myself and Lucas
I also need to nap and pick up whatever mess is in my living room. I have no idea what time quint is taking Lucas and I will have my niece right up until I leave. UGH!