We are still on the fence about a third but the plan is for us to pay off a bunch of debt and get me either part time working or full time at home and have another kiddo. I really have no desire right now to have another. I'd love to have a baby when Owen is at least in Kindergarten.
Anyway, I think about having another and things that I'd like to do differently and thought I'd see what you guys think.
So, I really want to have a natural birth. Still in the hospital but I'd like to go without pitocin and without an epidural. I had a really hard time after I had Owen and while I'm not a doctor I just had this gut feeling that the pitocin and epidural really weren't helpful. The epidural was great with Gavin but things were not right when I had Owen. The one good thing though is that with the epidural not working I felt how great it was to know it was time to push and the absolute relief of pushing. It is weird but it was wonderful. Anyway, I would really like to avoid pitocin FOR SURE and hopefully the epidural.
Another thing I really want to do is cloth diaper. I wish I would have just done it from the beginning because I could have kept the diapers but I probably wouldn't want to store them anyway. I really want to do this though but would have to convince Doug. Wouldn't be too hard because it's not like he is home so much that he changes a ton of diapers. (He totally changes diapers though and I'd hate for him not to do that, kwim?) I know that it is not a huge deal but I think typically cloth diapers are thought of as a pain and they are so much better now.
I pretty much co-slept with Owen (I think) from the get go. I would for sure do that again. I think I'd like to get a co-sleeper but honestly, I probably wouldn't even use it.
I told Doug that the only thing I want/need with another is a super comfy chair that I can use to nurse and recline and sleep in if need be. I never had that with the boys and always wanted one.
I would wait the entire 6 months before introducing solids. I was pretty close with both of them but should have just waited.
I also think I would wear the baby more. I did a good amount but I want to find a few different options so that I can wear them more.
Ugh. I really really really do not have baby fever. (More like I don't have pregnancy fever but I really don't want a baby right now.) I had SUCH a hard time after Owen...bet you're sick of hearing that. But I LOVED breastfeeding and co-sleeping and cuddling a little baby. My boys are the biggest cuddlers still and I love it. I hope I do get to experience it one last time.
You hit on some of the same things I would do different. Another thing I would add to my list is finding some way to bottle feed breast milk. We were never able to accomplish that with Elizabeth so it was mommy all day, all night. Don't get me wrong, I love breast feeding but there are times when you just need a little more time when running errands or at doctor's appointments that it would be really useful.
I also never had a crib I was that thrilled about so I would get a new one. I think the rest would just depend on the child and what he/she prefers.
well, since i am living this question right now i'll answer:)
more than anything i have been trying to enjoy him. with connor i just wished his babyhood away. i couldn't wait to feed him big kid food, bring him to the park, bring him to playgroup, to school, etc etc etc.
with grace i was sooo busy with connor since there is only 21 months difference and he was such a busy 2 year old that i couldn't just hold her while she napped, etc. i feel like i wished away her babyhood alot too because i was just so anxious for them to be able to play together.
now i have done all the "firsts" with the bigger kids and i am actually taking the time to enjoy the infant stage this time. i can totally see why the youngest gets spoiled. he will probably be our last and i am so much more willing to hold him for hours and goo and gaa at him whereas with the others i felt like i always knew there would be another baby at some point so i didn't take the time.
well, since i am living this question right now i'll answer:)
more than anything i have been trying to enjoy him. with connor i just wished his babyhood away. i couldn't wait to feed him big kid food, bring him to the park, bring him to playgroup, to school, etc etc etc.
with grace i was sooo busy with connor since there is only 21 months difference and he was such a busy 2 year old that i couldn't just hold her while she napped, etc. i feel like i wished away her babyhood alot too because i was just so anxious for them to be able to play together.
now i have done all the "firsts" with the bigger kids and i am actually taking the time to enjoy the infant stage this time. i can totally see why the youngest gets spoiled. he will probably be our last and i am so much more willing to hold him for hours and goo and gaa at him whereas with the others i felt like i always knew there would be another baby at some point so i didn't take the time.
well, since i am living this question right now i'll answer:)
more than anything i have been trying to enjoy him. with connor i just wished his babyhood away. i couldn't wait to feed him big kid food, bring him to the park, bring him to playgroup, to school, etc etc etc.
with grace i was sooo busy with connor since there is only 21 months difference and he was such a busy 2 year old that i couldn't just hold her while she napped, etc. i feel like i wished away her babyhood alot too because i was just so anxious for them to be able to play together.
now i have done all the "firsts" with the bigger kids and i am actually taking the time to enjoy the infant stage this time. i can totally see why the youngest gets spoiled. he will probably be our last and i am so much more willing to hold him for hours and goo and gaa at him whereas with the others i felt like i always knew there would be another baby at some point so i didn't take the time.
I LOVED being able to hold Gavin whenever I wanted/needed to. This is a big reason why I'm not stressing about having our third so close to our second like we did with the boys. Will free up time for just the baby and I.
I also really want another because it would be our last and I want to experience KNOWING that baby is the last, kwim?
I'm SO glad I decided to cloth diaper Evelyn. I didn't get started until she was 4 months old and out of that newborn-peeing-all-the-time stage, so I can't comment on that, but I've loved it. It's kind of a crazy weird obsession, but it is SO fun buying diapers! We're not 100% cloth though - John won't put her in a cloth diaper because it confuses him, LOL, and I even put her in disposables sometimes.
We're still breastfeeding and I hope to get to age 2 with her (Mason weaned at 22 months). But she will only nurse laying down in the bed in her room or my bed, and trying to do so in any other room of the house results in me getting bitten. Um, no. She strangely does ok nursing at SeaWorld and Disneyland as long as we are in a quiet room with no distractions.
We waited until she was 6 months adjusted age to start solids - but honestly she hardly ingested anything but breastmilk until she was about 11 months old, and not consistently until around 13 months. Now she eats just about anything I give her, but doesn't eat enough quantity for me to stop nursing during the day.
I did wear her a lot more than I wore Mason, mostly because I didn't have a good enough carrier. It was worth spending more for a good carrier (or 4 as it were ;)).
As you well know, she's been a challenging baby to say the least, but I feel good about how we parented her as a baby.
Alison's comment also reminded me of something else. I had a hard time dropping down money on baby gear. Looking back now, I wish I would have listened to that little voice in the back of my head and bought what I really thought would work even if it was more expensive. For me that was especially true for a stroller.
I'm SO glad I decided to cloth diaper Evelyn. I didn't get started until she was 4 months old and out of that newborn-peeing-all-the-time stage, so I can't comment on that, but I've loved it. It's kind of a crazy weird obsession, but it is SO fun buying diapers! We're not 100% cloth though - John won't put her in a cloth diaper because it confuses him, LOL, and I even put her in disposables sometimes.
We're still breastfeeding and I hope to get to age 2 with her (Mason weaned at 22 months). But she will only nurse laying down in the bed in her room or my bed, and trying to do so in any other room of the house results in me getting bitten. Um, no. She strangely does ok nursing at SeaWorld and Disneyland as long as we are in a quiet room with no distractions.
We waited until she was 6 months adjusted age to start solids - but honestly she hardly ingested anything but breastmilk until she was about 11 months old, and not consistently until around 13 months. Now she eats just about anything I give her, but doesn't eat enough quantity for me to stop nursing during the day.
I did wear her a lot more than I wore Mason, mostly because I didn't have a good enough carrier. It was worth spending more for a good carrier (or 4 as it were ;)).
As you well know, she's been a challenging baby to say the least, but I feel good about how we parented her as a baby.
I would definitely be interested in what carriers you bought, how you used them (if you used them for different circumstances) and if you would be interested in selling them at some point. :)
And you reminded me of something else - I also want to nurse until 2 with the next one. I nursed Gavin until he was almost 18 months old and I was 3 months preggo with Owen. I nursed Owen until he was about 22 months old and I want to go until at least 2 years old with the next.
Alison's comment also reminded me of something else. I had a hard time dropping down money on baby gear. Looking back now, I wish I would have listened to that little voice in the back of my head and bought what I really thought would work even if it was more expensive. For me that was especially true for a stroller.
Oooh, good one. I definitely want a nicer stroller - the one I had was fine but bulky - it was the one that came in the travel package or whatever it is called.
I also want to just spend the money to buy a carseat that will last longer. As it's been we've had to do an infant carrier and then a convertible and then a 5 point harness that harnesses to a higher limit. I want to just do one I can use for all of that even though it will be more up front, it will be the same or cheaper in the long run.
We co-slept with Hannah. It was a great decision that I don't regret... but we should have stopped before we did, and we're still paying for that in some ways, so I don't think I'd do it for as long as we did with her.
I held her ALL.THE.TIME. She couldn't nap without being held, and so I wouldn't do that either. It's cute and lovely and amazing when they are a week old. But at 18 months, not so much, lol.
I don't think I'd be so eager for the grown up stuff. I was dying for her to crawl... walk... talk... now I just want to rewind the clock. This age is hysterical and fun, but some days I just wanna snuggle the tiny shrinky-dink version of her, lol.
Like Libby said, I'd spring for some things... We got lots of hand me downs, which was great, and I bought tons of things because I needed them and they were on sale, but not exactly what I wanted. I think I'd be a little picky with some things just for a few things.
I think I'd pump occasionally, and work with Joe more. He had never (ever) been around a baby, so I just took over. It wasn't that he wasn't interested, I just never took the time to let him get his own groove going. I just steamrolled him since I knew my way around a baby a little bit.
We co-slept with Hannah. It was a great decision that I don't regret... but we should have stopped before we did, and we're still paying for that in some ways, so I don't think I'd do it for as long as we did with her.
I held her ALL.THE.TIME. She couldn't nap without being held, and so I wouldn't do that either. It's cute and lovely and amazing when they are a week old. But at 18 months, not so much, lol.
I don't think I'd be so eager for the grown up stuff. I was dying for her to crawl... walk... talk... now I just want to rewind the clock. This age is hysterical and fun, but some days I just wanna snuggle the tiny shrinky-dink version of her, lol.
Like Libby said, I'd spring for some things... We got lots of hand me downs, which was great, and I bought tons of things because I needed them and they were on sale, but not exactly what I wanted. I think I'd be a little picky with some things just for a few things.
I think I'd pump occasionally, and work with Joe more. He had never (ever) been around a baby, so I just took over. It wasn't that he wasn't interested, I just never took the time to let him get his own groove going. I just steamrolled him since I knew my way around a baby a little bit.
I'm with you (and the others) who said that I wouldn't rush the growing up. I totally remember wanting Gavin to crawl and then walk and then...what the hell happened, he's going to Kindergarten!!!
I am totally going to cherish the stage they are in and not push it.
I would have spent the $$ to try different carriers, and then carried K more. I did carry Rhys, but only because he demanded it. It would have been nice to experience it as a bonding issue instead.
I would have put K in more girly dresses and cute bows and stuff as an infant and new toddler. All my pictures of her look like she comes right out of the 70s wearing funky yoga pants and tshirts. lol. I missed my change to "dress up" a girly girl. Now she fights me on everything. lol.
I TOTALLY wanted to fast-forward the last 10 months, LOL. But Evelyn is high-needs. Like, meets all of Dr. Sears' criteria for high-needs babies (I checked because I wanted to make sure that it wasn't just that I'm totally intolerant). I LOVE that she's walking now, and not just because I'm thrilled that it's earlier than 23.5 months like Mason! It's just easier and more fun to have her gaining some independence.
I super loved the newborn stage though, and even though hers was longer than most, because she came home at 35.5 weeks, I tried to pay attention and enjoy it.
For carriers, I used a pouch sling that I bought off Etsy when she was teeny-tiny. Then Jayna made me a Mei Tai that I wore everywhere for a long long time. I used the pouch sling again for short trips into stores or whatever, but since she's been walking I haven't worn her at all. Becca gave me her old Ergo a couple of weeks ago, but I haven't tried it out yet and don't know that Evie would even let me put her in a carrier now that she's walking!
John has a Beco Butterfly that she was happy in for a while (I thought it was uncomfortable especially compared to the Mei Tai, but he likes it), but he tried putting her on his back last week and it did not go well. We will see how she feels about the Ergo back-carry when I try it!
I would have spent the $$ to try different carriers, and then carried K more. I did carry Rhys, but only because he demanded it. It would have been nice to experience it as a bonding issue instead.
I would have put K in more girly dresses and cute bows and stuff as an infant and new toddler. All my pictures of her look like she comes right out of the 70s wearing funky yoga pants and tshirts. lol. I missed my change to "dress up" a girly girl. Now she fights me on everything. lol.
With Rhys, I would love to not be working....
ITU the not working part. That is me totally - we are really trying hard to get me to a point where I can stay at home. :)
I'd love to answer this but will have to come back to it - heading to bed, dic appt in the AM.
Great question!
Alison - I love the ergo, looking forward to Katelyn having better head control. I use the infant carrier but it's been kinda hot to use alot. I hope Peepers likes it for you!
I TOTALLY wanted to fast-forward the last 10 months, LOL. But Evelyn is high-needs. Like, meets all of Dr. Sears' criteria for high-needs babies (I checked because I wanted to make sure that it wasn't just that I'm totally intolerant). I LOVE that she's walking now, and not just because I'm thrilled that it's earlier than 23.5 months like Mason! It's just easier and more fun to have her gaining some independence.
I super loved the newborn stage though, and even though hers was longer than most, because she came home at 35.5 weeks, I tried to pay attention and enjoy it.
For carriers, I used a pouch sling that I bought off Etsy when she was teeny-tiny. Then Jayna made me a Mei Tai that I wore everywhere for a long long time. I used the pouch sling again for short trips into stores or whatever, but since she's been walking I haven't worn her at all. Becca gave me her old Ergo a couple of weeks ago, but I haven't tried it out yet and don't know that Evie would even let me put her in a carrier now that she's walking!
John has a Beco Butterfly that she was happy in for a while (I thought it was uncomfortable especially compared to the Mei Tai, but he likes it), but he tried putting her on his back last week and it did not go well. We will see how she feels about the Ergo back-carry when I try it!
I TOTALLY wanted to fast-forward the last 10 months, LOL. But Evelyn is high-needs. Like, meets all of Dr. Sears' criteria for high-needs babies (I checked because I wanted to make sure that it wasn't just that I'm totally intolerant). I LOVE that she's walking now, and not just because I'm thrilled that it's earlier than 23.5 months like Mason! It's just easier and more fun to have her gaining some independence.
I super loved the newborn stage though, and even though hers was longer than most, because she came home at 35.5 weeks, I tried to pay attention and enjoy it.
For carriers, I used a pouch sling that I bought off Etsy when she was teeny-tiny. Then Jayna made me a Mei Tai that I wore everywhere for a long long time. I used the pouch sling again for short trips into stores or whatever, but since she's been walking I haven't worn her at all. Becca gave me her old Ergo a couple of weeks ago, but I haven't tried it out yet and don't know that Evie would even let me put her in a carrier now that she's walking!
John has a Beco Butterfly that she was happy in for a while (I thought it was uncomfortable especially compared to the Mei Tai, but he likes it), but he tried putting her on his back last week and it did not go well. We will see how she feels about the Ergo back-carry when I try it!
Any interest in selling them at some point? :D
Of course!!! We are done.done.done! (So done that even though I have my tubes tied, I'm trying to convince John to get snipped!)
I TOTALLY wanted to fast-forward the last 10 months, LOL. But Evelyn is high-needs. Like, meets all of Dr. Sears' criteria for high-needs babies (I checked because I wanted to make sure that it wasn't just that I'm totally intolerant). I LOVE that she's walking now, and not just because I'm thrilled that it's earlier than 23.5 months like Mason! It's just easier and more fun to have her gaining some independence.
I super loved the newborn stage though, and even though hers was longer than most, because she came home at 35.5 weeks, I tried to pay attention and enjoy it.
For carriers, I used a pouch sling that I bought off Etsy when she was teeny-tiny. Then Jayna made me a Mei Tai that I wore everywhere for a long long time. I used the pouch sling again for short trips into stores or whatever, but since she's been walking I haven't worn her at all. Becca gave me her old Ergo a couple of weeks ago, but I haven't tried it out yet and don't know that Evie would even let me put her in a carrier now that she's walking!
John has a Beco Butterfly that she was happy in for a while (I thought it was uncomfortable especially compared to the Mei Tai, but he likes it), but he tried putting her on his back last week and it did not go well. We will see how she feels about the Ergo back-carry when I try it!
Any interest in selling them at some point? :D
Of course!!! We are done.done.done! (So done that even though I have my tubes tied, I'm trying to convince John to get snipped!)
Watch the I didn't know I was pregnant episode with the lady that had her tubes tied...for quite a few years and then they grew back together! I'm sure that will convince him. I obviously don't need them anytime soon but when you have a chance to send me a message with some more info and prices, I'd be very interested in buying them.