for those not using them yet, groupon is an AWESOME deal site. they are location-specific and give a great deal for your area everyday.
the other day, the philly offer was for a 5 visit pass to an indoor bounce playground for $20 - half off!
a few months ago, i paid $60 for $200 worth of carpet cleaning. long story short, it turned out to be a NIGHTMARE and the company was pretty shady (lets just say that after 2 scheduled appointments, the "owner" was 2+ hours late when i canceled the first appt and 1.5 hours late today and then scribbled an invoice on a piece of scrap paper with a pen he borrwed from me). i called groupon when he left just to give them feedback about the company and the entire situation.
they were SUPER apologetic and before i could bat an eye, they refunded my original $60 purchase price (i did pay an extra $150 today b/c of the extra services i wanted). they were totally committed to making me happy and i am SO happy i called. i love groupon and didn't want a bad taste left in my mouth today from a bad company, which was not groupon's fault at all.
just wanted to let everyone know about my great experience with groupon. check them out if you haven't already!
I just saw an ad up at the top of the page for them and *almost* signed up, but didn't know if it was legit or not.
Sorry your experience with the carpet cleaners was horrid, but I'm glad to hear about Groupon and that they went above and beyond to take care of it! That's super.
Recently purchased a family session with professional photographer in town, and it includes a portrait package. Paid $30 for $299 value!
Also, last week I was thinking about how I needed to get Kyle's bday cake ordered and I had this local shop in mind. Next morning, I get my groupon email and the deal is for that same shop! $30 toward any cake order, I paid $15.
As an aside, as a carpet cleaner I know there are many shady companies out there. We have a message that we encourage everyone to listen to before they hire any cleaner. Here is the number in case you want to listen. It just gives you questions you should ask....
I'm also part of a great group of cleaners in case you want a referral for your area.