I have been laid off for 15 months now. I live in Nevada which is #1 for unemployment right now at 14%. I have no leads for jobs and I am on my last extension for unemployment. I am signed up with almost every temp agency in town, I have sent my resume to at least 300-400 places. I am getting so stressed, I seriously don't know what we are going to do. If I do not get a job or another extension we are going to lose our cars which sucks because we are upside down in both of them and I know they will garnish my husbands wages for the negative amount. We just don't have anything else we can let go, even if we cut off our cable, phone, internet, cell phones, stop paying our credit cards it won't be enough. It SUCKS! I am halfway done paying off my car but what I am going to do? I never thought I would be in this situation for this long.
Jasmine, I remember how terribly stressful it was for us when Bill was out of work, and we were not in fear of losing cars or anything, so I can imagine this is just awful for you. I am sending prayers you find a job soon and that all works out for you.
I am so sorry. Prayers that some kind of job comes along soon. The economy is so horrible right now. They keep saying it's getting better. We just all have to hang on until "better" shows up.