We suspected something was awry and when I took the 1st test I texted him from my office completely freaking out. He called and was trying to calm me down and kept telling me it was sooner then we planned but that it would be ok.
I went back to work and he texted me 2 hours later to say he was on his way to CT
While totally shocked and unplanned we are super excited. He loves kids and is going to be amazing dad.
We are only about 4 weeks apart. (well I think anyway I still havent been to the doc and dont know my dates)
I am not super sure about my dates. I know when af was here last but I think I ovulated super early (since we were using my cycle as birth control, um oops LOL)
We are only about 4 weeks apart. (well I think anyway I still havent been to the doc and dont know my dates)
I am not super sure about my dates. I know when af was here last but I think I ovulated super early (since we were using my cycle as birth control, um oops LOL)
Didn't my getting knocked up on day 5 of my cycle teach you anything? ;)
We suspected something was awry and when I took the 1st test I texted him from my office completely freaking out. He called and was trying to calm me down and kept telling me it was sooner then we planned but that it would be ok.
I went back to work and he texted me 2 hours later to say he was on his way to CT
While totally shocked and unplanned we are super excited. He loves kids and is going to be amazing dad.
Im so happy for you. I loved that you guys had already talked kids. Im so glad you have him. You deserve it!