i need more blogs to read and my latest obsession is trying new recipes... my all time favorite is annies-eats (damn that girl can cook!), but i also adore the pioneer woman (except i can hear my arteries grinding to a stop just reading the ingredients in most of her recipes). what are some of your favorites that i am missing out on?
I found a great "real" italian cooking blog that I loved but I lost the bookmark and I can't remember what it was now. It was pretty fancy-schmancy but I got some good tips from it.
365 crockpot is still a good one for me (when I'm feeling crockpottish).
I love this site. Raven will be taking her lunch in K so I've been trying out things to come up with some lunches for her. I do some substitutions of her recipes. I don't use soy milk, meat replacements, etc. We're not vegan like she is.
I have a bias here, but I have a friend that teaches how to make cheese and other cooking classes at the adult education center here for the U of I. She has a blog and it is mostly recipies, but occassionally there are other tid bits of information on there. Most of what she puts on there are doable and taste tested (including by me at times ).