Anyone seen the new Disney movie? I was contemplating taking the girls, but wasn't sure if it would hold their attention, or if it would be a bit much for them. They seen to be a bit immature (comparatively speaking) in their movie tastes, so I thought I would see if anyone else has seen if before spending the money to go to the theater. (they love Barbie movies and Disney princess movies, and Strawberry Shortcake-those are their faves, in case that gives you an idea)
I think Kaylen would like it, but its one of those movies that I personally wouldnt risk going to the theater for. Especially at 9 dollars plus a ticket these days.
"Parents need to know that this informative and engrossing documentary takes a close look at the Earth's oceans and the creatures that call it home. Expect scenes depicting these bodies of water in all their glory and reality, and animals finding their place in the food chain (sharks feasting on fish, for instance, accompanied by dramatic music). The movie contains fairly subtle pro-environment messages. Kids younger than about 6 might find the hour-and-40-minute movie too long."
Our 1st grade class went and they were all ok with it. However, it really depends on the kid and Allie could sit through it, but not sure she will be ok with the sharks eating sea life. I do think I will take her though and just really prep her before hand. If she seems upset we will just leave. I was told by the 1st grade teacher that it was not graphic and their was no blood.
Tracy-ITKWYM-movies are a LOT these days!!! And when Earth came out, I didn't take them-I thought it would be too graphic for them.
Melissa, I think both of mine would actually sit through it-though Kate would require popcorn, lol. And I am glad you mentioned that about it not being too graphic. I had figured it wouldn't be like I had heard Earth was in that way-plus they seem more ok with the whole fish eating other fish thing. IDK-it just doesn't seem as violent for some reason! BUT, it is on the long side. Maybe if I took them right after lunch when they would normally be resting, they would sit through it. Or maybe I should wait and rent it later on, lol.
Well, I think both of my boys would do okay. We have been watching the special "Life" and I think that is pretty similar and they LOVE it. There are definitely some graphic things but it doesn't bother the boys.
Do your local cinemas not have discount times? Our AMC has $5 movies before noon everyday.
I am not sure-I will have to check! I didn't see it listed as playing before noon here, but I didn't look that closely, and the listings change often, it seems. That would be awesome if they did though!
My girls have never seen a movie in the theater before! I think it is time we go. The popcorn alone will excite them to no end, lol.
Do your local cinemas not have discount times? Our AMC has $5 movies before noon everyday.
I am not sure-I will have to check! I didn't see it listed as playing before noon here, but I didn't look that closely, and the listings change often, it seems. That would be awesome if they did though!
My girls have never seen a movie in the theater before! I think it is time we go. The popcorn alone will excite them to no end, lol.
Just FYI our movie theatre (edwards) does free children's movies in the summer - 2 different movies two days a week. They show both movies both days. But it is nice to take them just to get the movie theatre experience and see how they do. Since it's free, if you have to walk out, no biggie.
Juni we are doing our summer fun movie thing here too, ours is $7 for 10 movies. It will be Bel's first movie theatre experience - I have no idea how it will go with her at all, Joe is psyched though.