I have been off the nets for the last couple of months. It's been good for me as I became a bit addicted. Although.....the iPad seems like it could be the best thing ever and I have to stay away. I think I can do that for at least 10 months. Maybe.....
Evan is doing good and so is Dylan. They are such big boys and while Dylan is having the terrible 3's (the kid likes to argue) they both are so easy now!
I worked for a brief time and I thank the lucky stars I am not anymore. I don't even want to talk about the hell that was my part-time turned 50 hours a week job. But, I got my car back up and running. Speaking of which....
Things are still tight money wise. We really misunderstood how much it might cost a family to move accross country, get laid off, have no money, and then go into debt and try to pay it back while making less money. Fun times. I fear I will be so traumatized I will be scaring my grandchildren by chastising them for not ironing the wrapping paper.
But things are turning up. So I have optimism that in two years we will be back where we were and I wouldn't trade being close to all my family and the kids building lifelong relationships with them. To be surrounded by love is priceless even if it may have caused premature aging in mom.
The thing that kills me is missing my girls here and not being up to date on all of your lives like I was before. I will have to keep up with you guys, you mean a lot to me and have been there for me when I needed girl power. My thoughts were never far from you though.
Glad to hear things are settling down. And you are exactly right, there is no way you can put a price on the relationships your boys are going to have with your family. Its all going to be worth it. Hang in there and keep us posted. : )