I am not sure about Target, Sonya-I have not looked there recently for sunscreen there. Hopefully someone else will know!
I don't like camping and I try never to go. I am not the outdoorsy type, what can I say. Staying in a place that doesn't offer free continental breakfast is about as close to roughing it as I prefer to get. :)
Anna hasn't been sleeping well lately. When she is tired, she is SUCH a pain. She really acts like a wild maniac and she doesn't listen, and she completely lacks impulse control. She also gets very competitive and snippy with her sister and needs a LOT of attention.
I am severely lacking in patience because the prednisone taper makes me go from 0-biatch in about 2 seconds.
It is NOT a good combo. She and I are not having a good week at all. We are going to go to the park in a little while when it warms up-she will be able to run off some steam-plus it is the playdate morning at the park, so they will have other people to play with and stay out of each other's hair a bit too.
Let's hope my plan works. Anna is in serious danger of being listed on eBay.
I'm ok with camping as long as there are bathrooms, real bathrooms, close by and a couple of days is plenty. That said I'm stuck in a tent for a week when we go to the family cabin this summer in no-where Saskatchewan. Ugh!!!
camping- haven't been in years, and never with Travis but I see A LOT of it in our future. I'm not hard core enough to camp with a little baby or toddler, so the boys are just getting old enough.
we use to go camping all the time. we got rid of the camper a few years ago so do not go anymore.
as far as sunscreen, have you tried arbonne baby sunscreen? can you get that up there? that is what we use on Owen in particular though I put it on the other kids as well.
I camped as a kid and we are going to attempt it this summer. We are not interested in becoming professional campers though. We too require a campsite with modern conveniences that MUST include a real working bathroom and electrical hook up.
we use to go camping all the time. we got rid of the camper a few years ago so do not go anymore.
as far as sunscreen, have you tried arbonne baby sunscreen? can you get that up there? that is what we use on Owen in particular though I put it on the other kids as well.
I think we can get it but when I borrowed some from someone, it made my hands break out which is a good sign her face would break out. Not positive though.
I'll have to see if i can try it again - I spent a fortune last year trying to find something that works for her. nothing worked but cb.
I wish I could join your families camping. There is no way I could get Travis to go camping at a campground with actual facilities. He (used to be) pretty hardcore.
Then again, perhaps one trip with little kids will soften him to the idea of a family camping experience, lmao
I am freaking out about my trip tomorrow. I have a ton to do, I think I need to make a list.
I do not particularly enjoy camping. The only times I have gone there has been real bathrooms and showers. Joey loves camping and is trying to convince me that when done right (ie drunken deboutchery sp????) it can be really fun. I am not yet convinced LOL
we love camping. we have dave's grandparents old pop up camper and it is perfect for us. we haven't tented it since connor was three and grace was just walking...that is kind of a pita with kids b/c they are in and out of the tent and drag dirt and what not in with them.
last year we camped in maine for a week. idk what we will do this year with the baby coming and all...although we should do something b/c i know the kids will be disappointed.
i am pretty certain i saw the california baby sunscreen in the baby section recently. can you call target and ask them to look?