FYI for those of you checking out the Target 75% off Easter sale. Today I stopped in (for the 3rd time this week-lol) and noticed a few deals that were not in the holiday sale aisle. First thing was baby/toddler shorts. At my store there were "Easter" (I have no idea what made them Easter at all) shorts in the regular kid clothing area. Originally $4.00 ringing up at 75% off...the way you know which ones they are is the size tag is lime green with Easter eggs on it. The ones at my store were solid pink, white, yellow with flowers, and a pink plaid--sizes baby-5T.
Also, mini tubs of moon sand still hanging in the crafts area where they keep moon sand and playdoh--the colors were called things like petal purple and grass green, which apparently qualified them for the holiday discount. Anyhoo, those were not marked as Easter clearance, but rang up at $1.24...(orig. *I think* $3.99)
Also, Wilton baking supplies like the 3 pack of mini cheesecake pans were around $2.50 and all of the seasonal cake pans like the cupcake pans shaped like tulips and butterflies were 75% off as well.
Oh another good find were the mini lego sets that were with the basket stuffers--not Easter themed at all, but still at 75% off. Oh, and lastly the mini kites were ringing up at .37 and the nylons ones hanging in the regular toy section marked at $3.99 were included in the Easter clearance and rang up at .99
Also, pastel throw rugs (pink, lime green plaid) were at my store now in with regular kitchen rugs, but I remembered seeing them in the Easter aisle last week so I took a chance and beeped one and sure enough $1.99 vs last week's $7.99.