Raymonds PT lady suggested he wear shoes all the time because of his flat feet. She said that crocs usually have good arch support. Im looking onlineĀ and really like the boaz.
In your experience is the arch support good for kids. Thanks.
my peri told me the same thing when i was PG with jack.
i wore crocs b/c 1. i could get them on my fat feet (well, i could get a size 11 on) and 2. they supported my feet and i swelled a lot less after wearing them
Lucas loves crocs and they support him well. I would definitely spring the $$ for the real ones though the knockoffs aren't quite the same. He doesn't have flat feet but was a toe walker (still is sometimes) and they definitely helped.
oh they will definitely last through two kids, pretty much all of Lucas's clothes have gone down to Jayden and they got passed on to someone else after that.