They've been dating or whatever they call it for about a year now. My brother met the guy at Thanksgiving and really liked him, so that's positive. I haven't met him yet, but my mom is bringing him after Easter. His son lives in San Francisco, so they are driving from Houston to San Fran, then driving down the coast to spend a few days here.
They will be staying in a hotel though, because now that Peepers is in her own room, we don't have the space. So I don't have to be all icked out that my mom is sleeping in a bed with her boyfriend in my house!
But she's happy, and I'm glad. I still worry, because he's 76 years old, and she's only 65, but she knows what she's doing.
Peepers had her developmental evaluation on Tuesday and is...average. She has above-average problem solving skills, because she picked up a piece of paper to get the block underneath, LOL. She still isn't crawling, but is spending more time playing on her tummy and pushing up on her arms lately, and just started cruising and trying to pull up on furniture. WAY more than Mason did even at a year, so I'm relieved.
She's still a ridiculously bad sleeper and eater, but has just started taking a paci again for the first time in many months. She's an odd baby.
LOL about your moms boyfriend. I can imagine that is weird. But what matters the most is that she is happy and enjoying her life again. Right? I'm sure the visit will go perfect.