Today we are having AWESOME weather!! It is like 60 degrees and sunny-just gorgeous!!! When the girls get up, I'll have to take them outside to run around and enjoy the weather.
We are not celebrating any Irish traditions today, but I DID buy Bill a 4 pack of Guiness. We are actually having Asian for dinner tonight, lol!
I went to Target today while the girls were at school. I can do one errand a day these days without pooping out too much, so that was today's. It was so nice!!!
I love target. I had printed off coupons and got some good deals on some things there-and I got the girl's Easter dresses! I got a couple for them to look at, but they want to match, so they will both be wearing the same dress. They both love it-it isn't the highest quality in terms of fabric and such, but they don't seem to mind, and I like the price.
I am not big on the girls matching, but they were adamant they want to wear the same dress. So ok. I am ok with that.
I usually buy them nicer dresses, but these really do look pretty on them! And they wear them for a matter of HOURS.
Anyway-target was a fun diversion this morning. I have to go back to take back the dresses they didn't want.
Bill wanted me to look for Big Wheels there, but they didn't have them. Honestly, I think Anna is a bit big for a Big Wheel now anyway, but I looked just the same.
I'm sure I have mentioned her before, but we have this old neighbor. She lives alone and she is definitely crazy. I mean-she truly is-she has to have some sort of problem.
Anyway, she called Monday because she needed Bill to come over and help her put in this new DVD/VCR combo she got because her old one broke.
Ok, this is her THIRD in a YEAR. And she keeps giving the "broken" ones to Bill, and they wind up not even being broken. One of them was completely fine-she had just lost the remote or something. I mean, Bill told her about it but then she found the remote and just gave it to us and didn't want it back.
Seriously though-she keeps wasting money on these things!!! I feel awful for her, but she never calls first to see if Bill can help her figure out what is wrong with the one she has-she just goes out, buys a new one and asks him to hook it up. Should we be telling her not to do this??? I feel somewhat responsible for this whole thing, even though I know I am not actually. But I feel like we should tell her. I am not sure it would do much good-she gets confused easily.
I finished reading The Last Song last night. Ii stayed up too late to do it. But it was good. Predictable, but good, and yes, I shed a couple of tears.
I doubt I will see the movie though-we never go to movies, and plus it is a chick flick. NO WAY Bill would want to see that.
We haven't been on a date for a while-but I am still not sure I am well enough to warrant a date night. Maybe next month.
Regardless, I need to give him some action soon. He hasn't had any. But it is hard because when I feeling best is when he is at work, and by the evening after the kids are in bed, I am usually feeling pretty run down and crummy.
I am just rambling here, in case you hadn't already noticed that, lol.
Maybe you all have gorgeous weather today too and are out enjoying it rather than sitting on your butt as I am.
We are having asian marinated country style pork ribs tonight. They are in the slow cooker. We had these ribs in the freezer and had to use them up. We don't usually eat these kinds of ribs, so IHNI what to expect.
I am going to stir fry veggies along with them, and we are going to have asian noodles. I have rice noodles or lo mein-I am not sure which to cook.
I wonder if the kids will like this meal-I am thinking no.
Somehow everytime I eat guac, I end up eating too much. I love it too much. I know it is healthy fat and all, but it is really high is fat, so I need to be better at controlling myself!
I always justify it by telling myself it will brown.
Ok, I guess you all are trying to tell me something. I should go do something!
But Kate is actually taking a nap. Anna is not, of course, but she is playing quietly.
And sad as it may sound, since I went to Target this morning, I have to save up energy to make the rest of dinner. I really get worn out fast. It is a sad state of affairs.
I have to have blood drawn again soon-I will be interested to see where my levels are now since the bleeding has slowed way down and I am continuing to take iron and everything.
I am wearing green today and E has a st. patty bow in her hair. That's about it for us. Right now we have the windows open to let this stinky house air out. I should be cleaning my butt of right now. I came back from my trip to a mess.
E is constipated so she is just laying around. I should have watched her better while traveling.
Supa I am glad you are doing better. I know it it hard for you but it seems from this end that you are making progress. I think those dresses will be adorable on your girls. I really like them too.
Thank you Libby! Part of me feels bad for getting them dresses that aren't from one of the "fancier" stores, but that is super dumb. And I am going to get over the fact that they will match. They like it, so that is all that matters.
I am sorry E is constipated-that sucks. What are you giving her to help things along?
I read your post about tonsils-I don't have much to add, but I was interested in it because Anna's seems huge to me, and she is always congested and such. I wonder if she will end up needing them out. My niece had hers out with her adenoids when she was younger and my SIL said it made a HUGE difference. IDR exactly how old she was-but it was around this age if memory serves.
Anyway, I am doing much better. I am trying to shake this cold that has settled into my chest. I went to acupuncture for it yesterday and she said I need to watch the cough because between the pred and the remicade, I could end up with pneumonia if it doesn't resolve. Thankfully it seems better today since I saw her, so I am hoping I won't need to be seen! But I am making progress, albeit slow.
It is gorgeous here too. We are all in t-shirts and I have windows open :)
My blackberry died yesterday and they overnight shipped me a new one and I missed fedex while we were at a birthday party. Darn. I have to drive out to Prescott Valley after 4:30 now. I have to have my phone though i'm dying without it. LOL!
No St. Patrick's day plans. I work tomorrow because I traded my Sunday because we are going to see my dad.