I'm having a high detailed U/S and meeting with the genetic guy tomorrow. The only thing I can think to ask is, "Is it healthy?" and "What is it?".
Can anybody think of anything else that I should prolly ask? I've had a u/s there, at the high risk dr, when I was 13 weeks, and everything looked good. Baby was just smaller then it should be, and I know for sure when I ovulated and when DH and I BD, so I know for sure, no doubt at all, how far along I should be. But when the Drs go off the size, they put me at being more than week behind. My regular OB said not to worry about that. I've lost 10 lbs, ( just need to lose 80 more... ) and with the m/s and bad eating, it could be small 'cause of that. Andrew was small for his due date too the first several months and then caught up. I've also had two u/s with my OB that have looked normal.
Other then that, that's all I can think of, though I feel like I should have more questions...