but I could use some P&PTs if you are so inclined.
I have laryngitis and bronchitis.
The kids are recovering from pinkeye.
Evie is severely anemic, and is getting rechecked tomorrow to see if the iron drops are helping. It's a nightmare giving them to her, and I can't rely on iron-rich foods to help, because...she won't eat solids. She won't take a bottle or sippy cup either. I feel like everything is a fight with both kids.
I've had to reschedule her developmental evaluation twice because of illness in this house.
So if you could spare some get better and have normal hemoglobin vibes, I'd really appreciate it.
You got it! Those iron drops are a nightmare! I had to do them with Gavin and he was a boob-only baby too. Not to mention they stain everything and because they are so nasty tasting he always spit them out!
anyway, sorry to hear you are going through so much. I hope things calm down and everybody feels better soon.
Oh geez, Alison! you all have a lot going on over there!! I am definitely sending thoughts and prayers your way for health and that Evie's levels go up. Eat some solids, little girl!!!!!
(Amy, I miss you and it hurts. My birthday was like the worst ever. :()
I'm still sick, and Mason has been coughing up a lung since Friday night. He seems a bit better this morning, but not well enough to go to school. And Evie has been sleeping like shit lately, because she's probably not feeling very well, so I haven't been able to get enough rest to get better.
I don't know how moms with more than 2 kids do it. You ladies amaze me!