If I had a week off the first thing I would probably do is to clean my drawers because I just sh!t myself. If I were still home I would then go for a pedicure and then maybe do a project because I would absolutely love to be able to do something and not have to start and stop 1,000 times.
Oh to dream. I'd love to just be able to sleep as late as I wanted.
Mark and Braydon just left for a week in Canada ice fishing. I held my tears until they made it into the truck. Then, of course, Kaylin starts crying so there we are CIO together. Please give me patience this week. Please let me remember we don't have extra money so retail therapy, while my past time of choice, wouldn't be wise.
Also, I don't really cook unless Mark is home, but with Kaylin's restrictions, restaurants are out. Ugh!!