We were supposed to be staying at a hotel 3 hours away and going to an amusement park this morning but they are supposed to be getting 2 feet of snow so we decided to go another weekend.
So now we're going to a winterfest downtown and spending the day together. Should still be lots of fun.
The fun thing we are doing is going to a chili cook off at a friends. It's a huge party and everyone brings a pot of chili. They have a contest for the best winner. They also have a prize for best presentation.
Since we are doing a vegetarian chili, we know we won't win a prize for the best chili. BUT, we are going for presentation. We are going to call ours Barnyard Mutiny. We are using E's fisher price little people barn, animals and farmers. The animals will be carrying little pitch forks and making one of the farmers walk the plank into the chili. Another farmer is going to be tied over a fire on a spit. Some of the animals, like the pig, are going to carry protest signs saying things like "make love, not sausage". If nothing else, it should be original.
I am excited. The weather forecast is showing an increase of about a degree every day for the next few days. It is actually above freezing now!
GM, I am wading through tax hell this morning. Of course Travis is teaching and I need his univeristy log in to see how much tuition we paid last year.
And why the urgency? Oh, because we have to file his fafsa by Monday. And for a man that is within one year of his PhD you would think he could fill out one government form.
Nope. All me. Every year.
Ok, done venting
Preliminary results on turbo tax minus the last few screen I am stuck on is that we will get a refund from federal and owe through the nose for state. Awesome.
It is so out of his league. We are still hopeful, but we (meaning I) looked up the bio info and income of the previous person who held the job he wants. Previous dude had 25 years experience walking in, and the salary is almost twice the level we would expect for what Travis's resume currently reads.
So, our best hope is they have a rough search and resort to plan B being us. Not holding our breathe at all.
It is so out of his league. We are still hopeful, but we (meaning I) looked up the bio info and income of the previous person who held the job he wants. Previous dude had 25 years experience walking in, and the salary is almost twice the level we would expect for what Travis's resume currently reads.
So, our best hope is they have a rough search and resort to plan B being us. Not holding our breathe at all.
You never know, Travis may be exactly what they are looking for. With budget cuts all over due to the economy, they may be hoping to replace the current guy with someone they can pay less (not to say he shouldn't be paid fairly).
It is so out of his league. We are still hopeful, but we (meaning I) looked up the bio info and income of the previous person who held the job he wants. Previous dude had 25 years experience walking in, and the salary is almost twice the level we would expect for what Travis's resume currently reads.
So, our best hope is they have a rough search and resort to plan B being us. Not holding our breathe at all.
You never know, Travis may be exactly what they are looking for. With budget cuts all over due to the economy, they may be hoping to replace the current guy with someone they can pay less (not to say he shouldn't be paid fairly).
Part of what we are hoping for. He could make 15-20k less than the last guy and we would still be adequately paid and would take the job in a heart beat.
We'll see.
We don't suspect we will hear anything until April. I hate job searches.
I found another job for him that might be of interest too. Not as high paying, but closer to my inlaws farm so the location is ideal.
I apologize in advance for the coming bazillion post for what will be the 12 month adventure of him getting a job, us moving, buying a home, becoming a SAHM, etc, lol.
I had two free Jazzercise classes left that expired tomorrow so I went ahead and used them this morning--two hours in a row.
I'm supposed to go to my 3rd Bikini Body class tomorrow but Kimberly invited me to see "Madea" at the Orpheum; I'm doing that instead.
Tonight is a church-wide family game night; they're usually poorly attended but I thought I'd see if I could get my family to go.
Right now, Glen is at McD's with the boys letting them play on the playground because the weather is pretty decent.
I'll be shocked if the kids DON'T ask to go to the zoo when they get home.
I post calendar months up on the side of our bookshelf in the living room (so they're visible from the living room) so we can see what we need to do/where we need to go.
I do three months at a time, and I believe Oct., Nov., Dec. are still up there.
I need to fill out March, April, and May because we're getting busy again.
Not much going on here this weekend. Mark and Braydon are heading to the middle of nowhere Saskatchewan on Monday for a week of ice fishing. I'm trying not to be crabby about the whole thing, but it will cost them $700 to drive there and back. He bought $200 worth of booze to bring along, plus I have to go and buy groceries for them and they're not even in charge of food. (They're meeting Mark's brother, his friends, and their Dad.)
So he takes the easy kid with him and wonders why I'm not thrilled with them going. Plus, I have my nieces (7m and 3) this week for a few days because by brother and SIL are in Mexico. Plus, we have to drive up there in June for FIL's 60th birthday. It's a 16 hour drive. Then we have to drive to Edmonton for Christmas which is 24 hours. All I want to do is save enough to take the kids to Disney and we have to spend $$$$ driving all over tarnation. Ugh!!
We aren't doing much of anything. Hannah has a cold, I have tons of chores that need done, but that (of course) I don't feel like doing. Right now, I'm procrastinating like crazy, and just letting her veg on the couch and play a video game. Eventually, I'm hoping she'll go downstairs to play so I can watch a movie that I got from Netflix that Joe doesn't want to watch.
we are going to be heading to Lowe's in a few then run in and grab a few things from Walmart. Thinking we will grab lunch out as well.
In other news, finally everyone knows about our pregnancy and all the stupid, annoying comments have begun...joy, joy!
We went to Lowes too! Did you guys make Lowebots??? Hardest one yet, I thought. We've been going since Oct. It's a fun little trip.
When we were done with Lowes, we went to Red Robin and met DH for lunch. Then right home and Andrew was a neglected kid that played X-Box while I cleaned for hours. I did make him take a "break", and he cleaned the front room with me. I filled 4 bags with clothes for Goodwill. That was just from MY closet. If I hadn't worn it in a year, in the bag it went. I wear the same few shirts everyday anyway. Being pregnant, I feel this need to purge the house of everything so that it will be clean and clutter free by this summer. Yes, it's that packed that it will take forever to clean it. Oh, the shame....
I hope tomorrow that the weather will be good enough for us to plan the apple and plum trees we got today. Have big hopes for doing more cleaning tomorrow too.
lord save me from my kids. Charlie has discovered eating again and he is SOOOOOOO slow. It is taking us forever to get through meals and it is making me crazy.
I am struggling parenting wise these days (years).