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Date: Feb 8, 2010
Weight and random thoughts

I am not putting this in the MSBL because I want everyone to be able to answer.

I hope everyone can be very honest with this. I am very curious to eating habits.

I use to eat fast food at least once a week. I would sometimes go months, but we would always pick up something here or there.

I now know that fast food is awful for me and if I ever want to be healthy and lose this weight. I have to not eat it, period. There is no option for now and then. I need to just say it does not exist. I do not need it and there are other ways to splurge.

So, if you can be honest. I have a few questions. I really want to see if there is a connection with just us women on the board.

1. Do you eat fast food?

2. How often and what is your fast food of choice?

3. Do you need to lose weight? (meaning are you overweight)

4. Do you exercise on a regular basis?

5. Would your family be willing to make changes to the eating habits in your home?

This is not to judge and no comments are to be made on a person and their eating habits. I honestly would love to see if those of us who eat fast food are heavier then those who do not. Now, I realize there are a lot of factors here in terms of health, genetics, etc.



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Date: Feb 8, 2010

1. Do you eat fast food? yes

2. How often and what is your fast food of choice? it honestly depends the week and what we have going on. mcd's or subway is usually the choice. we go into subway at times and just get $5 footlongs eat 1/2 for that meal then save the other 6 inch for lunch the next day.

now, we go out to eat from time to time but not fast food i would say we do that once every 2 weeks, some weeks more and sometimes we might go longer i just averaged that out.

3. Do you need to lose weight? (meaning are you overweight) no, not since i am pregnant. but even before that i did not need to.

4. Do you exercise on a regular basis? no.

5. Would your family be willing to make changes to the eating habits in your home? we have made changes really since having keegan we do not go out to eat all that often. we eat lots of chicken though we still do have beef in there as well.

john has been dieting since nov and has lost 17 lbs. usually he eats with us as we have food he can have if it is something he does not want then he will make his own dinner whether it be a progresso soup, tuna, something leftover that we have that is healthy, etc. he does splurge from time to time as yesterday he declared super bowl his splurge evening.



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Date: Feb 8, 2010

1. Do you eat fast food? Yes

2. How often and what is your fast food of choice? I would say once every other week-which I think is too much. ETA-McDs is the only place the kids ever want to go, so that is where we end up going.

3. Do you need to lose weight? (meaning are you overweight) Most definitely!!!

4. Do you exercise on a regular basis? I was before this flare, and intend to once I get out of this flare

5. Would your family be willing to make changes to the eating habits in your home? We would be and we are.  Bill has finally gotten a bit scared about his health because, even though I have been telling him for a DECADE his BP is too high, he has had a couple of episodes where he is doing push ups or something and has a tightening in his chest-enough to scare him.  He had a physical recently, and even though his BP wasn't outlandish (134/92 or 96, I forget), it is high for a 35 year old.  So we talked about it and committed to each other that once I am out of this flare (since I do the cooking and I am getting really anemic and exhausted right now), we are going to clean out our pantry, lower the salt, reduce the fast food-since we rarely eat out otherwise, and start eating more heart healthy foods.  I want and need to lose weight, but in all honestly, ALL of this is driven by health for me.  I am used to being fat, even though it is not attractive.  But I need my husband to be healthy, *I* need to be eating healthy and I need my girls to be as well.  They could get his family's high BP or my family's AI or both, God forbid, so we need to clean things up for their futures as well.  I know we will struggle with it at first, but it has to be done.

-- Edited by Supafly on Monday 8th of February 2010 01:31:44 PM



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Date: Feb 8, 2010

1. Do you eat fast food? Not anymore.

2. How often and what is your fast food of choice? My plan is that if we absolutely have to (for whatever reason) it will be something like Subway.

3. Do you need to lose weight? (meaning are you overweight) - Yes. About 15 pounds. According to my BMI I am still 2 pounds away from normal and am technically "overweight."

4. Do you exercise on a regular basis? Yes. Daily walks and then I also exercise about 5-6 times a week. Sometimes 4 but always in addition to the walking.

5. Would your family be willing to make changes to the eating habits in your home? YES! We have and I am so proud of us!

I am SO glad I am answering these now and not a few weeks/months ago. I am really proud of myself and my family for supporting this new healthy lifestyle!



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Date: Feb 8, 2010

1. Do you eat fast food?

Yes, here and there.

2. How often and what is your fast food of choice?

This is tough to say, I eat fast food maybe once every few weeks. Subway - 6 inch subs, McDonalds - quarter pounder, sm fries. The kids very very rarely get fast food. I'd say maybe once a month and that would be if we are traveling or something.

I do eat out a lot for lunch at work but most of my places make their own food - not that it is all healthy but it is mostly "homemade".

Our family "fast food" is burritos from a local place that makes all their own ingredients, thai food (again, "homemade"), an occasional pizza (whole wheat crust - not a chain). We do get subway for the kids occasionally.

3. Do you need to lose weight? (meaning are you overweight)

Yes. Not a lot but probably 30 lbs.

4. Do you exercise on a regular basis?

I walk everywhere but that is it. I normally walk fast about 25 minutes twice a day at least.

5. Would your family be willing to make changes to the eating habits in your home?

Absolutely. Mike is very food focused and he would make any changes I wanted.



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Date: Feb 8, 2010

1. Do you eat fast food?  are we counting pizza? i have pizza (from a pizzeria) once a week.  McDs and burger king, never - i've never had a burger from a fast food restaurant in my life - when i was a kid we'd get mcDs here and there and i'd get mcnuggets.  i havent had those since i was probably 10. i've had mcD fries probably 3x in the past 10 yrs.  i've had probably 3 subway sandwiches in my life, and i have probably had 3 slices of sbarro's in my life. 
fast food has never been my vice.  that's not to say i'm the picture of healthy - i eat a LOT of baked goods (definitely more than i should)- i also eat a dunkin donut on occasion (which should be considered FF i guess). 

2. How often and what is your fast food of choice? (oh, sorry, see above).

3. Do you need to lose weight? (meaning are you overweight) no.

4. Do you exercise on a regular basis? hard to say - i do dvds at home but nothing major.  i get to the gym on weekends.  i do work exercise into my life, but not as consistently as i should.

5. Would your family be willing to make changes to the eating habits in your home? my family's doing awesome with this - mike is really on board now and i'm really happy.  though i will say, i was eating pretty healthy in teh first place - the kids have been eating mostly organic for a long time now (forever maybe) and we've been off HFCS for a long time, and they have never had fast food. sure i've bought nonorganic frozen nuggets for them on occasion, but it's never been a staple.  there's always room for improvement for sure, and i'm still fine tuning all of this :)

eta: mike has ALWAYS been on board with the organic diet. he's very serious about it and has been for the long haul.  the thing that took a bit more convincing, and i had to endure some eyerolls, was more the organic beauty product and house cleaner kick.

-- Edited by daisy on Monday 8th of February 2010 01:34:01 PM


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Date: Feb 8, 2010

1. Do you eat fast food?  yes

2. How often and what is your fast food of choice?  2 or less a week.  Where to begin.  Mcd/wendy's/buger king would be cheese burger and fries.  KFC large mash and gravy.  Burrito at taco bell.  Wings at Zakbys.

3. Do you need to lose weight? (meaning are you overweight) no

4. Do you exercise on a regular basis? just walking

5. Would your family be willing to make changes to the eating habits in your home?

Already have.  A lot of times i'm the only one eating fast food(kids not with me).  Raven is very hard to feed fast food.  Unless there is side items like KFC the only things she will eat is fries.  She doesn't eat chicken nuggets, cheesburger.  From the beginning with Raven I would pack her food whenever we would eat out.  Because of that she isn't use to eat kid type meals at fast food places.  



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Date: Feb 8, 2010

1. Do you eat fast food? No.

2. How often and what is your fast food of choice? n/a

3. Do you need to lose weight? (meaning are you overweight)

Yes. We're having a really hard time figuring out what a realistic healthy weight looks like for me these days, but at a minimum, 20 lbs.

4. Do you exercise on a regular basis?

weekly schedule: 6 hours of cardio, 3 hours of pilates, 2 hours of yoga, 2 hours of strength pilates. So, yes, LOL.

5. Would your family be willing to make changes to the eating habits in your home?

I wouldn't have been able to have made the changes that we have made without the support of my husband. He's never eaten fast food in his life, and I used to think it was because he was a food snob. But after not eating it myself for almost 2 years myself, I know it wasn't that he was being judgmental... it's that if you don't have the taste for it, it's disgusting. Someone recently made the distinction to me between "food" and "food-like substances", and that resonated with me tremendously.

>>I honestly would love to see if those of us who eat fast food are heavier then those who do not. <<

It will be interesting to see what this turns up.




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Date: Feb 8, 2010

mctex wrote:


1. Do you eat fast food? No.

2. How often and what is your fast food of choice? n/a

3. Do you need to lose weight? (meaning are you overweight)

Yes. We're having a really hard time figuring out what a realistic healthy weight looks like for me these days, but at a minimum, 20 lbs.

4. Do you exercise on a regular basis?

weekly schedule: 6 hours of cardio, 3 hours of pilates, 2 hours of yoga, 2 hours of strength pilates. So, yes, LOL.

5. Would your family be willing to make changes to the eating habits in your home?

I wouldn't have been able to have made the changes that we have made without the support of my husband. He's never eaten fast food in his life, and I used to think it was because he was a food snob. But after not eating it myself for almost 2 years myself, I know it wasn't that he was being judgmental... it's that if you don't have the taste for it, it's disgusting. Someone recently made the distinction to me between "food" and "food-like substances", and that resonated with me tremendously.

>>I honestly would love to see if those of us who eat fast food are heavier then those who do not. <<

It will be interesting to see what this turns up.



I am not commenting here, but your one statement in bold hit me. This is where I want to be and am getting there.


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Date: Feb 8, 2010

1. Do you eat fast food? Once every 6 weeks we go out to eat.  Never in between, however we do occasionally (like 3-4 times a year) have a party we go to where there's a meal.

2. How often and what is your fast food of choice?  I have a few favorites but I rarely get the same thing twice.  Going out is a treat for us.  I try to make it worth it.

3. Do you need to lose weight? (meaning are you overweight)  Yes.  I'm about 10 lbs. over my weight limit, but to be honest, I have about 25 lbs. of fat that needs lost.

4. Do you exercise on a regular basis? Yes.  I've been bad these last 3-4 months and only exercise 2-4 times a week, but normal is 5 days per week, 1/2 hour per day.

5. Would your family be willing to make changes to the eating habits in your home?  Not in the slightest.  My biggest baby about it is my husband, who's preferences are the main reason I started having difficulty with weight in the first place.  He's a whiner when we have healthy stuff.  My kids have learned not to whine about anything we eat.  In my house, I have to be extremely strong and determined to get anywhere with my own eating habits.  I don't hardly try with my husband any more.



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Date: Feb 8, 2010

I will say that fast food is not why I am overweight.

I am overweight because of my own cooking. :) I love pastas and cheeses and meats and yumminess.



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Date: Feb 8, 2010

1. Do you eat fast food?   when i was preggo i would eat it for lunch when i was by myself about 2 times a week.  other then that, i would eat it about once a month, again by myself.

2. How often and what is your fast food of choice? frequency above.  only mcdonalds.  only quarter pounder w/ cheese LOL.

3. Do you need to lose weight? (meaning are you overweight)  i have a solid 10 lbs to lose.

4. Do you exercise on a regular basis? when not recuperating from birth, yes, avg 5 times a week.

5. Would your family be willing to make changes to the eating habits in your home?

imo we dont need to.  kids dont eat fast food or processed food because dh is strongly against it and he leads the effort in the household to purchase bio/organic and prepare healthy foods for the family.  (he is big into "seasonal" cooking/eating as well.)

mcdonalds and my secret stash of american goodies (peanut butter, hersheys, nutty bars, girl scout cookies, occasional poptarts lol) is my guilty pleasure and i certainly dont share those with my kids LMAO!



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Date: Feb 8, 2010

muffy wrote:

1. Do you eat fast food?   when i was preggo i would eat it for lunch when i was by myself about 2 times a week.  other then that, i would eat it about once a month, again by myself.

2. How often and what is your fast food of choice? frequency above.  only mcdonalds.  only quarter pounder w/ cheese LOL.

3. Do you need to lose weight? (meaning are you overweight)  i have a solid 10 lbs to lose.

4. Do you exercise on a regular basis? when not recuperating from birth, yes, avg 5 times a week.

5. Would your family be willing to make changes to the eating habits in your home?

imo we dont need to.  kids dont eat fast food or processed food because dh is strongly against it and he leads the effort in the household to purchase bio/organic and prepare healthy foods for the family.  (he is big into "seasonal" cooking/eating as well.)

mcdonalds and my secret stash of american goodies (peanut butter, hersheys, nutty bars, girl scout cookies, occasional poptarts lol) is my guilty pleasure and i certainly dont share those with my kids LMAO!


Do European kids eat any junk type food that the kids in the US eat?





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Date: Feb 8, 2010

1. Do you eat fast food? Yes

2. How often and what is your fast food of choice?  McDonald's every week or two.  I either get a hamburger or a parfait.  I like Chipotle too!!

3. Do you need to lose weight? (meaning are you overweight) No, I guess I've got good genes and metabolism.

4. Do you exercise on a regular basis? Yes, although lately it's only been twice a week instead of my usual 4 with the sickies and being so busy!

5. Would your family be willing to make changes to the eating habits in your home?
Yes.  We're currently going through a food makeover because of Kaylin's egg and wheat allergies.




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Date: Feb 8, 2010

mctex wrote:

1. Do you eat fast food? No.

2. How often and what is your fast food of choice? n/a

3. Do you need to lose weight? (meaning are you overweight)

Yes. We're having a really hard time figuring out what a realistic healthy weight looks like for me these days, but at a minimum, 20 lbs.

4. Do you exercise on a regular basis?

weekly schedule: 6 hours of cardio, 3 hours of pilates, 2 hours of yoga, 2 hours of strength pilates. So, yes, LOL.

5. Would your family be willing to make changes to the eating habits in your home?

I wouldn't have been able to have made the changes that we have made without the support of my husband. He's never eaten fast food in his life, and I used to think it was because he was a food snob. But after not eating it myself for almost 2 years myself, I know it wasn't that he was being judgmental... it's that if you don't have the taste for it, it's disgusting. Someone recently made the distinction to me between "food" and "food-like substances", and that resonated with me tremendously.

>>I honestly would love to see if those of us who eat fast food are heavier then those who do not. <<

It will be interesting to see what this turns up.


My mindset is so different now. I would be more inclined to see how our bloodwork compares, LOL. But that all goes back to when I was in college, super skinny, eating fast food and whatever else I wanted everyday but walking everywhere. I still think I am healthier now even though I am "heavier."




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Date: Feb 8, 2010

Juni wrote:


mctex wrote:


1. Do you eat fast food? No.

2. How often and what is your fast food of choice? n/a

3. Do you need to lose weight? (meaning are you overweight)

Yes. We're having a really hard time figuring out what a realistic healthy weight looks like for me these days, but at a minimum, 20 lbs.

4. Do you exercise on a regular basis?

weekly schedule: 6 hours of cardio, 3 hours of pilates, 2 hours of yoga, 2 hours of strength pilates. So, yes, LOL.

5. Would your family be willing to make changes to the eating habits in your home?

I wouldn't have been able to have made the changes that we have made without the support of my husband. He's never eaten fast food in his life, and I used to think it was because he was a food snob. But after not eating it myself for almost 2 years myself, I know it wasn't that he was being judgmental... it's that if you don't have the taste for it, it's disgusting. Someone recently made the distinction to me between "food" and "food-like substances", and that resonated with me tremendously.

>>I honestly would love to see if those of us who eat fast food are heavier then those who do not. <<

It will be interesting to see what this turns up.


My mindset is so different now. I would be more inclined to see how our bloodwork compares, LOL. But that all goes back to when I was in college, super skinny, eating fast food and whatever else I wanted everyday but walking everywhere. I still think I am healthier now even though I am "heavier."



i worked in a sleep lab for years. we had one study where we had to draw blood (i didnt do needle insertions - the patients had a needle in all night and we'd just take some blood at fixed intervals all night) - anyway this one guy was on a full diet of fast food (the thinnest, leanest guy EVER - he used to BRAG about eating FF all day and being so lean despite it) - and his blood?! OH MY GOD.  after sitting for a few minutes, 3/4 of the tube was WHITE WHITE WHITE and 1/4 of the tube was left red.  all fat. it was disGUSTING.  i will  never ever EVER forget that.




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Date: Feb 8, 2010

Juni wrote:


mctex wrote:


1. Do you eat fast food? No.

2. How often and what is your fast food of choice? n/a

3. Do you need to lose weight? (meaning are you overweight)

Yes. We're having a really hard time figuring out what a realistic healthy weight looks like for me these days, but at a minimum, 20 lbs.

4. Do you exercise on a regular basis?

weekly schedule: 6 hours of cardio, 3 hours of pilates, 2 hours of yoga, 2 hours of strength pilates. So, yes, LOL.

5. Would your family be willing to make changes to the eating habits in your home?

I wouldn't have been able to have made the changes that we have made without the support of my husband. He's never eaten fast food in his life, and I used to think it was because he was a food snob. But after not eating it myself for almost 2 years myself, I know it wasn't that he was being judgmental... it's that if you don't have the taste for it, it's disgusting. Someone recently made the distinction to me between "food" and "food-like substances", and that resonated with me tremendously.

>>I honestly would love to see if those of us who eat fast food are heavier then those who do not. <<

It will be interesting to see what this turns up.


My mindset is so different now. I would be more inclined to see how our bloodwork compares, LOL. But that all goes back to when I was in college, super skinny, eating fast food and whatever else I wanted everyday but walking everywhere. I still think I am healthier now even though I am "heavier."



Just to be clear, I was quoting Melissa there -- I personally doubt that fast food alone is the cause of many weight problems.

My last lab had a cholesterol of 139 and triglycerides of 75. It's the only reason my internist was even sort of taking my difficulty losing weight seriously.



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Date: Feb 8, 2010

1. Do you eat fast food?   YES

2. How often and what is your fast food of choice?  AT LEAST 1X PER WEEK.  McDonalds or Taco Bell.  I usually get chicken + fries or a burrito + soft taco.

3. Do you need to lose weight? (meaning are you overweight)  I could stand to lose 10 lbs.  I'm soft around the midsection - the place where it is the most unhealthy to carry extra weight!

4. Do you exercise on a regular basis? No

5. Would your family be willing to make changes to the eating habits in your home?  My husband already has banned fast food for himself.  He will occasionally eat Taco Bell but he does not eat McDonalds or any other fast food.   If we eat out it is sit down type restaurants and we do that at least once per week (that would be on top of the 1x per week that I have fast food).   The fact that it is sit down certainly does not make it any healthier than fast food!!!



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Date: Feb 8, 2010

1. Do you eat fast food? yes

2. How often and what is your fast food of choice? once a week, occasionally twice. McDs, or subway that I really dont count as ff thoug

3. Do you need to lose weight? (meaning are you overweight)No.

4. Do you exercise on a regular basis? Yes, except for recently its gone down.
5. Would your family be willing to make changes to the eating habits in your home? I always say we will eat healthier but we are soo picky and I dont lie a bunch of different veggies and stuff so we go back to our norm



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Date: Feb 8, 2010

1. Do you eat fast food? Yes

2. How often and what is your fast food of choice? 1-2 times a week.  Always McDonalds or Wendys.  We also order take out or go to a sit down 1-3 times a week.  And order pizza once a week.

3. Do you need to lose weight? (meaning are you overweight) No

4. Do you exercise on a regular basis? Yes

5. Would your family be willing to make changes to the eating habits in your home? Yes but it would take a lot of work with the kids. 

I honestly don't think fast food is the issue for most people.  I think it is what is in the pantry in their house.  Soda, chips, ice cream, etc.    I would die if someone saw what we have here right now.  It is shameful.  My husband and I eat such horrible snack foods but I make a huge effort to give the kids fruit, pretzels, string cheese or popcorn, however they do have a cookie or piece of candy a few times a week at home (they get treats at school too).


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