if you didnt see in chat yesterday, i had to take C's binky away at least for daytime. she had a massive drool-rash on her chin that wasnt healing. she took it HARD. cried all day. it was horrific. violent. awful. i gave it to her in her crib for bed.
this morning she cried for like 2 hours again and then was OK. i did the binky fairy thing for tonight (i dont want to go through this again at a later date) and she TOTALLY bought it. we put all 5 in special bags, hung them up, and the fairy's coming tonight and replacing the binkies with a stuffed dog (mike just went to CVS). she went down with NO PROBLEM. not a peep. she was even awake up there for a bit, and didnt ask for it or whimper at all. i think this is it!!!
update: she fussed for maybe 5 minutes at like 11pm. i went up and she said she wanted her binky and i said the fairy already came - she cried for a minute and i got her some water and rubbed her back and told her she could do it, and that binkies are the reason her chin hurts, and that the fairy had a present for her in the morning. she fell asleep within minutes. not another peep. she did wake up a little early and a TEENY bit fussy but nothing bad at all. we're totally done - SO EXCITED. major end of an era. she went from binky 24 hours a day to NONE. :heart
That is awesome Kelly!! Good for you for sticking with it, and good for Cara for letting it go. Natalie was 4 before her binkie was gone for good, and I wished I had gotten rid of it much earlier.
That is awesome Kelly!! Good for you for sticking with it, and good for Cara for letting it go. Natalie was 4 before her binkie was gone for good, and I wished I had gotten rid of it much earlier.
it's so hard with some of them. i'd say this was harder with R than it was with C. C put up a MAJOR fight for the daytime - but she had it 24 hours a day, and i think that made it less associated with nighttime, kwim?
with R, we had gotten rid of it in the day at like 18 mos, but let her hold onto it for night till she was 3. that really made it hard for h er to fall asleep without it. with C it was more of a full way of life than a bedtime thing.
i will say though, for the comfort it brought her in the past 2.5 yrs, the past 2 days of lunacy were a small price to pay. that binky got us through a LOT over here.
C is really growing up - she's completely pee trained (hasnt pooped in potty yet) and just like takes off her diaper, gets her potty seat, climbs onto the toilet, pees, wipes, and hops off. she's so easy in those ways. she wants to be called a "big girl" while R still wants to be considered a little girl. C has NO probs moving on - she's not attached to clothing, routines, etc - for such a tough cookie, there are things about her that have been SO much easier than R.
I was wondering how the night went. That is great and crazy how big and grown she is :( I love that pic. She has such a spirit and reminds me of Mia. I feel like our two girls have similar traits and even the birth order. Mia is such a different child then Allison in every way.
I was wondering how the night went. That is great and crazy how big and grown she is :( I love that pic. She has such a spirit and reminds me of Mia. I feel like our two girls have similar traits and even the birth order. Mia is such a different child then Allison in every way.
Awww, what a big girl!!! She looks so adorable with her pigtails---I love it!!!
I am glad it was an easy transition for you guys!!
(Man, I wish Emilia still took a paci (she took one for about 3 months when she was an infant). If it could stop the fussing and whining (which is at another all-time high (aaaaaaaagggh!!!!!!!!), I would let her have a paci until college!!! haha!!)
Awww, what a big girl!!! She looks so adorable with her pigtails---I love it!!!
I am glad it was an easy transition for you guys!!
(Man, I wish Emilia still took a paci (she took one for about 3 months when she was an infant). If it could stop the fussing and whining (which is at another all-time high (aaaaaaaagggh!!!!!!!!), I would let her have a paci until college!!! haha!!)
oh i totally know what you mean! that thing SAVED us for the past 2.5 yrs.
seriously though she was starting to get more whiney WITH it. if it dropped in the car, if we couldnt find one for half a second, if her chin hurt from it, if she had to even take it out for dinner, the universe literally stopped. the binky was controlling this entire home, i swear. i'm SO GLAD IT"S GONE.
last night was 100% fine. we gave her a stuffed dog in a valentine's sweater as her binky fairy gift...so last night when she went to bed, she said "i want dolly and doggy" (whereas usually it's "i want dolly and binky" - so sweet that she gets the replacement and is done with it. i love it.