It not really a huge deal but any prayers are appreciated.
I started on my new med and thought I was having one of those call your doctor if side effects. Well she told me to go to the er for a urinalisis. Turns out I didnt have that but i do have a UTI as well as protein in my urine. They checked my kidneys and all is well there so they were slightly confused. I go back in a few days to repeat.
Also K is being very trying lately and Im at a loss and really need to be energized in the parenting department.
Oh man, Tracy. I am so sorry you are dealing with this. It has just been one thing after another!! I'll be saying prayers, and I will be anxious to hear about the repeat.
I'll be praying K settles down for you as well. It is so hard to take care of your kids when you aren't feeling well-add in behavior difficulties and it is just brutal. I am sure that she senses that you aren't feeling well and has a hard time with that, but regardless, it is just so hard.