Makes me sad that I missed this appointment! Her appointment was half an hour after my appointment for my dentist appointment started! Ah well.
Weight- 18lbs 2oz Height/Length- 27"
She's I think 95% for both. DH couldn't remember. Her head circumference was 16 3/4" but again- no concern b/c she's right on target.
Again- developmentally right on target on some things, ahead on others.
And she's got two bottom teeth popping in which the ped. said was a bit early. Was impressed with her being able to tell who Dada is and who Bubba (Colin) is and when asked where Bubba is she will look for him.
She is working hard to crawl. Almost there. But right now she just rolls all over the place or inch worms it. And she LOVES to stand.
But her sleep is off so that tells me she's about to do something.
She's in the other room talking to Dada.
Got to the green light for solids which we already started her on like 3 weeks ago b/c she kept grabbing our food. Peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, etc.