I've been attempting to potty train Austin since the beginning of December. Key word attempting. He does pretty good at home and can stay dry while we are out for the most part. But sometimes he just goes into the "I don't care" mentality and wets right after I take him potty. And pooping on the potty is nonexistant. I am just so worn out....I don't know why its not working other than maybe he isn't ready, but I don't feel like me giving up is the right answer either. So I am at a loss...any advice?
We are not even close with Tristen. He just isn't ready. I think Tristen and Austin are close in age, right? Koda didn't PT until 3.5, so anytime before that is fine with us :)
It sounds like maybe he either isn't completely ready, or maybe needs a change up in incentive? I remember some amazing potty charts when all our 05 babes were PT. I think Kari? has a great pirate one.
I'm sorry for your frustration. I was thinking of trying during our spring break. Your post makes me think am I really ready for that, lol.
Ditto on the break. It's not giving up! Gavin wasn't ready until a bit after 3 but when he was ready he was fully trained in two days - no diapers at nap or bedtime - no accidents, pooped and peed on the potty.
Owen is fully pee trained but only occassionally poops on the potty and only at our house - not my mom's house. I have been annoyed because he will just wait until naptime or bedtime to poop (he still has a diaper then). But, he is *only* 2 1/2 and I have recently decided not to even worry about it at all. I will work on it this summer when I am off and I think he'll be fine in time for preschool. :D
first, jake potty trained right away in a weekend when he was 27 months old. then 3 months later, he totally regressed and acted JUST LIKE you describe austin now. SO frustrating! we stuck with it (mostly b/c he had done it in the past) - the reason i'm sharing that is sticking with it worked for us since we KNEW he was capable (sort of like you know austin's capable when you're out, etc).
another story - when my bff was pt'ing her 2.5 year old they were REALLY struggling. one day, he came downstairs and put his wiggles underwear in the garbage and said he didn't like the wiggles anymore. :( she decided that was it and held off for about 2 months. when she tried again, he trained in 2 days.
I really have been thinking about this lately with Faith. I don't know if its because she is a girl or a second child but I have been so lazy with this. I really need to get her PT'd.
Wouldn't it be soooo nice to not have to buy diapers anymore.
Thanks for all the words of wisdom. I was thinking about it alot last night and I decided I am not going to throw in the towel. I feel like if I do that he won't take me seriously when we try again....so I am doing a little test today to see how he does. In Pull ups he does ok...mostly makes it to the potty to pee, but still poops in his pants. But yesterday I put those training undies on him and some plastic pants and he wet in them ALL day long and that was so frustrating! It was like he was rebelling! So far this morning he is doing great, still dry in his pull up....so we'll see. Thanks again for keeping me going. I am just really hoping to have this done by March so I can have ONE baby in diapers. : ) I will keep you all posted on how it goes.