it's cold here today too but we're coming off a "warm" front so its new to us. It isn't too bad though (maybe in the teens?).
this pregnancy is the worst i have ever had with that. i am sure some is the prometrium that i am on as well. i will take exhaustion over puking though.
and luckily my husband has been a great help. it is amazing what little energy i have. so unlike me.
I had that with Charlie and I was still traveling everywhere and teaching all day and it was SO hard. I can't imagine trying to deal with that with three kids.
it's cold here today too but we're coming off a "warm" front so its new to us. It isn't too bad though (maybe in the teens?).
this pregnancy is the worst i have ever had with that. i am sure some is the prometrium that i am on as well. i will take exhaustion over puking though.
and luckily my husband has been a great help. it is amazing what little energy i have. so unlike me.
hmmmmm. :X
Be on the lookout for 2 sacs at the US.
Just sayin'. LOL
I hope everything goes smoothly this morning. I'll be waiting for an update.
I'm having a productive day. I've already done all of the straightening and cleaned the kitchen, and Juliette is playing in the bathtub. All I have left is to vacuum and mop, which I can't do until George wakes up this afternoon.
So I have narrowed down what I think one of the most annoying noises is for me.
My cats like to flick pieces of dog food out of the bowl, and bat them around the kitchen, ending the game when the bite/smash the pieces into crumbs that get EVERYWHERE.
I now HATE the sound of small hard bits flying across my kitchen. Not sure if it's the sound, or the inevitable cleanup, but either way, I want to kick my cats out the back door.
So I have narrowed down what I think one of the most annoying noises is for me.
My cats like to flick pieces of dog food out of the bowl, and bat them around the kitchen, ending the game when the bite/smash the pieces into crumbs that get EVERYWHERE.
I now HATE the sound of small hard bits flying across my kitchen. Not sure if it's the sound, or the inevitable cleanup, but either way, I want to kick my cats out the back door.
Toni i'm sorry. This right here just gave me a much needed giggle this morning. I now have visions of your cats playing dog food hockey in your kitchen and it's good. I'm sorry.
So I have narrowed down what I think one of the most annoying noises is for me.
My cats like to flick pieces of dog food out of the bowl, and bat them around the kitchen, ending the game when the bite/smash the pieces into crumbs that get EVERYWHERE.
I now HATE the sound of small hard bits flying across my kitchen. Not sure if it's the sound, or the inevitable cleanup, but either way, I want to kick my cats out the back door.
My brothers cat does that with ice cubes. I would put them down just to watch him.
I'm hanging out in my basement because Joe had to borrow my laptop cord to take to a client's, so I'm using his desktop computer while Hannah's having a playdate.
I'm sleeping like crap with Joe gone, which is weird since I usually go to sleep way before he does and don't even know when he comes up. Blech.
I wanted to impress Joe while he was gone and get a ton of stuff done, but I know when he comes home he's going to crash, and not pay attention to it... plus, he is going to mess it all up and I'll be bitter about it, SO I'm going to just cut out the middle man and enjoy not doing anything at all. lol.
So I have narrowed down what I think one of the most annoying noises is for me.
My cats like to flick pieces of dog food out of the bowl, and bat them around the kitchen, ending the game when the bite/smash the pieces into crumbs that get EVERYWHERE.
I now HATE the sound of small hard bits flying across my kitchen. Not sure if it's the sound, or the inevitable cleanup, but either way, I want to kick my cats out the back door.