There is a woman in the Feb10 EC, her name is Jodi. We hit it off early on the board as she is a fellow AMA mom, the same age as me 41.
her son was diagnosed earlier on with Trisomy 13. they named him michael, after the angel. this really hit home as it was one of my own worst fears having a baby at this age :(
today, she had to be induced. she is hoping to be able to spend a tiny bit of time with him before he passes, but at 32 weeks it is really early and they are not sure he will survive the birth process.
she is such an amazing woman, who has handled all of this with such grace. here is her blog - i cry every time i read her updates, but her writing really speaks to the amazing person she is.
I haven't read the blog yet but this is so heartbreaking. I have followed a couple of blogs where this was the diagnosis. I pray she gets at least a few precious moments with Michael.