I have had alot of fun doing these deals at Walgreens, but sometimes I feel really self-consious or like I am doing something wrong...it is so weird to explain. I usually break my transactions up and go to the end of the line...I don't want to hold up the line and I need to re-group anyway.
Also, I have found that the cashiers do not know what the coupon/register rewards policy is at all. they tend to just make up a reason why a coupon or rrr won't scan. I had them tell me yesterday that they no longer accept a walgreens q in addition to a regular coupon. I was like - I just did this last week...when did this policy take place? the cashier: "oh...it's been a long time". I said, "well, just give me the coupons back and cancel those...I'll just go to another walgreens that does let me use them" and then she said to the manager...."do I have to re-ring all this?" and he said "yes". I said "unless you want to override it" and they did...lol
what have your experiences been like for the most part? (I'd say mine are mostly positive, but a few times I have had a negative reaction)