anything in that 75c - 99c range that is an item that i normally buy.
my acme doubles those and i get get really amazing deals on stuff. i stocked up on 10 tubes of toothpaste last week when they were $1.99 b/c i had a 75c off Q that doubled to 1.50. so 10 tubes of family sized (+25%) colgate whitening toothpaste for $4.90. suh-weet!
anything in that 75c - 99c range that is an item that i normally buy.
my acme doubles those and i get get really amazing deals on stuff. i stocked up on 10 tubes of toothpaste last week when they were $1.99 b/c i had a 75c off Q that doubled to 1.50. so 10 tubes of family sized (+25%) colgate whitening toothpaste for $4.90. suh-weet!
I'm so jealous of you guys whose stores double like that - the ones here only double to a max of $1, and only one store doubles regularly! The other 2 do it sporadically. The store that doubles sometimes triples, but still only to a max of $1.
My favorite coupons are for crackers, toilet paper, bread, anything organic, fruit (like the recent coupons for Cuties clementines!), and staples like eggs and milk.
My most recent fave coupon is $3 off Clear Care because that stuff is expensive. AND because Walgreen's has a coupon in their December booklet for $3 off Clear Care so I'm getting $6 off Clear Care.
I also like Country Crock coupons, coupons for baking stuff (like yeast, sticks of butter, baking soda, flour, sugar), Ragu spaghetti sauce, Duncan Hines cake mixes and frosting.
I finally made a good list of all items that I buy regularly and I like coupons for any of that stuff but the list is really long.
anything in that 75c - 99c range that is an item that i normally buy.
my acme doubles those and i get get really amazing deals on stuff. i stocked up on 10 tubes of toothpaste last week when they were $1.99 b/c i had a 75c off Q that doubled to 1.50. so 10 tubes of family sized (+25%) colgate whitening toothpaste for $4.90. suh-weet!
OMG that is awesome. That is the kind of deals I am looking for , but I keep finding $1 off Qs. This sucks cause my store doubles up to .99 as well.