On Christmas Eve we all bring a gift and then anyone who wants to participate draws a number and gets to select a gift, steal from the other person etc.
I want to do a movie basket this year.
Ideas of what are good movies that people would enjoy?
I tend to go with Goonies/Gremlins/Christmas Story type of movies for these sort of gifts since I think that works fro lots of folks.
Depending on price (dang, these were $2-3 on black friday!) you can add in some popcorn bags, a fleece blanket, large candy bars, or the boxes of candy you can get for $1.
They sell popcorn bins in the $1 aisle at Target, but they've gotten pretty small. You can go in the popcorn aisle at Walmart, etc and find a bucket of popcorn like they sell in the movies. It has microwave popcorn in it and should fit everything (well, maybe not a fleece) just fine. :)
My very favorite MGB item are the plastic popcorn holders you get at the dollar section at target.
They look like old fashioned individual popcorn tubs that you would get at the movie theater.
They have them in that section every couple of months. We use ours every time we make popcorn.
Another item is, along with popcorn of course, assorted popcorn flavor toppers, the kind you shake on top.
Then of course goobers and junior mints and all that stuff. They have a big bin at my walgreens of all the movie type candy for a dollar for each big movie theater type box.
also, at party stores (we have Iparty here) they sell those big cardboard popcorn tubs like you get at the theater. you could use one of those versus an actual basket to put everything in.
I put in it what everyone else has suggested (fleece blanket for her + a mini fleece for her son (she's a single mom), movie style boxes of candy, mirco popcorn, tubs from Target $1 section, a 6 pack of mini cans of rootbeer). I don't want to get her actual movies b/c I have no idea what she would like - what I'm doing instead is getting her either gift certs to a theater or movie rental place + a gift certificate for pizza.
I'm going to watch this thread for more ideas of what to put in her basket.